Keystone processed the suspicion that he had been followed by the two men behind him. He also took in the momentary look coming from Meriv when he entered the Enclave. To his credit, he tried very hard to ignore the nagging feeling that these two occurrences were related, and that he was being followed as part of some larger plan by wizards he didn't trust. Not that he really trusted any wizard at this point, but considering the circumstances he would have to act despite his personal misgivings. "I indeed am, Meriv. I..." he paused, noting the noise outside and the alarm Kaylee expressed in his thoughts, "I intend on selling, and buying, too. What've you got that..." Kaylee was gone. Just like that, a blank spot where she ordinarily hunkered down in his mind. This was a problem. Keystone ran up to the wall just to the side of the great doors, and risked a peek outside before withdrawing his head with no small amount of haste. "It's here, Meriv." He spoke with forced, but urgent calm, "It's just outside, and it's right angry. What've you got what can help me disarm it without getting m'self opened up like a festival hog? And is there another way out of here?"