It occurred to me not so long ago that the Disney universe would be the perfect place for a DnD style game. I do have a rl DnD group, but to be honest they'd probably laugh at me if I brought this idea to them, but I figured on the wonderful world wide web I was bound to find a few who might be interested. I have the entire game mapped out. Here's what I have so far: Premise - Strange things have been happening in the Enchanted Forest, located on the far most eastern edge of the 4th Kingdom, ruled by Mickey Mouse. Once full of light, the forest has grown dark and foreboding. The problem has persisted over the past year and things have grown steadily worst with time. Those who go into the forest rarely come back out and if they do return, it's not as they once were. Deciding that it was up to him to discover the reasons behind these changes has left his Kingdom in the hands of his Queen, Minnie with promises of his return. But weeks have passed and there has been no sign of him ever returning. In a panic the Queen sent a message out across the land asking for volunteers from the surrounding kingdoms. Anyone willing to help was urged to journey to the fourth kingdom to participate in a tournament. The winners of this tournament would then continue their journey together into the Forest to find the king. I have quite a few quests already written up for use. 4-6 players. I'd like to keep the group small. I've also written out a detailed version of the rules, which I will post once I've found a few to show their interest. I'm also open to ideas of how dice rolling should operate, there are a few options that I'm aware of but it can be discussed.