[center][img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y403/Absolute_Grace/Orren_zpsntgfnsbv.png[/img][/center] [center][i]"Kingdoms rise and fall, but nature will remain."[/i][/center] [b]Age[/b] [indent]39[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][url=http://orig01.deviantart.net/fb7d/f/2012/302/1/7/17ecbe973153f34d18fab47fc347c425-d5jd0qb.jpg]Appearance[/url] & Physical Characteristics[/b] [indent]Orren is a rugged man, harsh and lean like the mountains and wilderness of Vankinore in which he was forged. Tall and lithe with steel limbs, he takes on the characteristic of an animal, his green-eyed gaze that of a predator. Prolific scars cover his body, counting his hunts and marking his victories over death. He is often unshaven, thick ash-blonde hair falling in braids around his face. Orren's garments are entirely leather and fur, showcasing function over form. They show little skill in tailoring, all hand-crafted by Orren himself. Dragonscales are woven into the hide in erratic patches, covering Orren's vital organs, and everything is enveloped by a heavy hide cloak. Simple hide boots are tied to his ankles with cord, and a sack hangs from his shoulder containing his belongings.[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Introverted, wise, strange, competitive, wary.[/indent] [b]Abilities[/b] [indent]Aside from longevity, enhanced strength and stamina, and uncanny grace and reflex, Orren possesses an affinity with the wilderness almost unprecedented. He is an expert in tracking and navigation, able to detect nearly anything by scent, and is invisible in the woodlands. Furthermore, Orren seems to possess the ability to form deep bonds with animals, seemingly communicating with them. In swordplay, Orren seems to dance rather than fight. His movements are fluid and controlled, almost serene, and his blade truly cuts where others smash. His archery, however, plays a part entirely opposite. His shots are frightening, hissing through the sky, and the impact where they strike is so great it can throw grown men through the air.[/indent] [b]History[/b] [indent]Orren was born into the wild. His tribe was large, but he has little memory of them. They were nomadic, traversing the mountains of Vankinore and camping in the branches of great trees. One day, when Orren was still hardly a child, he found himself alone, never knowing why he was left behind. He spent his years in those same mountains, fending for himself, hunting beasts and fleeing other people. The isolation broke his mind. He never knew another soul and even forgot language, nearly becoming a beast himself. The life made him strong, though. Savage and cunning. He never found a hunt he could not conquer - not even a dragon. The beast nearly killed him, but Orren managed to pry a scale loose. He tied it to one of his arrows and plunged it deep into the dragon's throat. As he carved away at the dragon's corpse, a hunting party passed by in the commotion. As it turned out, they were dragon slayers from the Sodality, and Orren had beaten them to their mark. After several weeks of visits and negotiation, Orren finally agreed to join the guild.[/indent] [b]Inventory[/b] [indent][url=http://www.preferredarms.com/images/weapons/large/unusual_exotic/'Rough-forged'-primitive-fantasy-sword.jpg][b]The Sunset[/b][/url] - A thin, curved blade made from a dragon's claw. It seems extremely fragile, but is in fact harder than steel and sharp enough to cut the sun itself. [b]Aeveri Shortbow & Dragonscale Arrows[/b] - A deceptively strong curved bow made from the trees of Orren's tribal homeland paired with dragonscale-tipped arrows. [b]Obsidian Knife[/b] - Orren's skinning knife, frighteningly sharp yet still only barely capable of prying a single scale from a dragon. But one scale was all it took. [b]Dried Meat[/b] - Rations. [b]Wineskin[/b] - Homemade, filled with water. [b]Whetstone[/b] - A stone for sharpening Orren's blade. [b]Scrap Leather[/b] - From many hunts. [b]Herbs[/b] - Various herbs for different applications.[/indent] [b]Dragon[/b] [indent]A dragon of the earth, this beast takes on the color of the season, a master of hiding in plain sight. Its horns are long forked antlers, and its tail ends in the shape of a massive leaf. Moss covers its scales, and it moves without a sound. This dragon's most dangerous aspect comes in its ability to take on any form of nature, from a prowling cat to a great whale.[/indent]