[@Raijinslayer] [@WaddleDaisy] [@Eklispe] [color=7ea7d8][h2]Kuroku Nagasai[/h2][/color] As Kuroku hid behind the rock, he could hear faint whispers from the darkness. [i]"C-Come..."[/i] the hooded figures says in an amplified voice, though his English mustn't be good, [i]"N-need Silver He-"[/i] But he would fall short as an Ogre punches the figure straight in the face, shutting him up for good. The Ice Mage realizes that this figure was calling out for the Silver brooch that he had in his hand. He must've been the one igniting the power of the brooch. Kuroku could only imagine what this thing would be used for... summoning a demon? Resurrecting the dead? What? The questions seemed endless. However, the ice mage will remain hidden here until the battle against the orges have ceased. Then he'll reveal himself... And call Bristle to get over here cause' he must be pretty bored by now... [@Leslie Hall] [b][h2]Matisuki Kiryuin[/h2][/b] [b]"Indeed."[/b] Matt nods with a sigh, remembering the events just after the war, [b]"It's nice to meet the one you love right after the darkness of war. Brings a whole new light to one's life you know?"[/b] He then laughs after hearing Alice's statement on his son. [b]"Haha, I don't think you should worry that much."[/b] he answers cheerfully, [b]"I'm sure he's a good lad. Good enough not to get into trouble."[/b] Then later, Alice mention Isshum... and his striking similarity towards the great Natsu... personality wise. [b]"You mean Mr. Isshum?"[/b] Matt answers back, [b]"Why he does have the spark of the great Council chairman. The champion of Fairy Tail! But perhaps a bit more brash then him... yet has great potential given that he keeps himself in check."[/b]