[b][center]WIP Nation Sheet[/center][/b] [hider=Empire of Abelon] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gDvyJOR.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uqajoeJ.png[/img][/center] [center][b][color=7ea7d8]NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE[/color][/b][/center] [hider=Royal Family] [url=http://i.imgur.com/IU24in1.jpg]Emperor Coreolanus Sheffield (79)[/url] [center][i]"Archaic. Arrogant. Haughty. Pompous. Misogynistic. Racist. Our Great Emperor."[/i][/center] Emperor Coreolanus has reigned, unchallenged, for near fifty years and is one of the longest-ruling monarchs in Abelonian history. His reign has seen a steady and progressive advance in technology alongisde the rest of Avara, though little else of note has been achieved. This is not to say his reign has not been successful, however, in fact it could be argued that his has been the most successful of any reigning emperor. No land has been lost, and no great crisis has afflicted the Empire, leading to a prosperous fifty years. Coreolanus, as a man, is most unpleasant. Similar to his father in that he maintains his viciously misogynistic and racist attitudes towards non-humans with a certain degree of pride, the two have no-doubt contributed to the less than favourable reputation Abelon has gained abroad, with most common folk believing Abelon to be an empire of slavery, racism and tyrannical rule. The truth is entirely different, with slavery having been outlawed almost one-hundred years ago and most of the power being divided among a far 'kinder' nobility, though such things do not make a good setting for the countless horror stories that have been created about Abelon. [url=http://i.imgur.com/Lwtv1Qm.jpg]Empress Celeste Sheffield, Third Wife of the Emperor (38)[/url] The Empress has little in the way of true power, particularly with such a misogynistic husband, and yet she is officially the most influential and powerful womanan within Alberon, highlighting the sexist society that women live in. As is to be expected, however, women can often have great sway over their husbands and, excluding Coreolanus, misogyny has almost disappeared entirely with the more progressive and open-minded, modern nobility. [url=http://i.imgur.com/B3Q5YeE.jpg]Heir Apparent, Prince Oswin Sheffield (44)[/url] Prince Oswin is the embodiment of the 'modern' nobility and ruling class within Abelon, and is absolutely antithetical to his father. Where Coreolanus would refuse to shake hands with any non-human, Oswin would happily embrace them. Having travelled around Avara himself in his youth, Oswin is determined to defeat the views resolutely held by many in foreign lands about Abelon that have been born from a line of successively malevolent emperors, and hopes to usher in a new era of international co-operation with the growing empires that his father considers rivals. Likewise, Oswin was instrumental in bringing about the technological advancements over the past decades that his father initially refused to recognise. He is, by no exaggeration, beloved by both the nobility and the commonfolk alike. Appealing to the nobility, Oswin has, if nothing else, a gregarious personality and has become a welcome face among many noble households who often meet him at social gatherings and other such social ventures. His devotion to family and country alike has made him a 'role model' for others in the Abelonian nobility, looking to reach heights similar to his own. On the other hand, Oswin is loved by the commonfolk for his equally charitable nature, and his tendancy to walk among the commoners without a guard, almost creating the impression that he is 'one of them'. This has naturally led to him being viewed by the masses, and nobility alike, as a man to be trusted and his word is heeded at times without question. He is married to [url=http://i.imgur.com/zbjTYc0.jpg]Lady Ottilie Sheffield (39)[/url]with two children, both girls. [url=http://i.imgur.com/BkAqxrH.png]Rosalie Sheffield (15)[/url] and [url=http://i.imgur.com/2zHYXo6.jpg]Felicity Sheffield (14)[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/cXRKBgz.jpg]Prince Casper Sheffield (39)[/url] Living in the shadow of his elder brother, Casper lacks the same leadership qualities of his brother, Oswin. Accompanying him on some of his travels across Avara, Casper is often seen by the side of his brother, though he has never reached the same levels of distinction and popularity as Oswin. It does not appear as though this bothers him, however, for Casper has always been a follower rather than a leader, and as a result the two have formed a strong loyalty toward one another. He is married to [url=http://i.imgur.com/uEgUF4M.jpg]Lady Helena Sheffield (37)[/url] with no children. [url=http://i.imgur.com/li4nDm9.jpg]Princess Eleana Sheffield (21)[/url] A rather tragic figure, Eleana is still unmarried, and this does not look to change anytime soon. Always having been a sickly child, an unfortunate accident that left her gruesomely scarred has not aided her image to potential suitors, nor her own confidence. She is softly spoken, on the rare occassions that she does, and is often found with her brother Phelix, their common love of literature having led to the development of a close bond between the two. Coreolanus has all but given up on her, describing her as a 'lifeless waste of space' on the few occasions he does deign to speak with her. As for her other siblings, while none are hostile in the same manner as her father, she cannot help but feel they look upon her as a failure no matter how hard they try to mask it. [url=http://i.imgur.com/zak56cn.jpg] Prince Phelix Sheffield (19)[/url] Prince Phelix, unlike his brothers, is not a man keen on tournaments and combat, for he is instead a man of the cultural arts, literature and peace. Needless to say, this has not been welcomed by his father who has taken to shunning him until he becomes a 'real man'. It is likely through their own rejections at the hands of their father that Eleana and Phelix have formed a close friendship and loyalty to one another. Yet despite rejection at the hands of his father and the condescencion from Casper, Phelix has been treated kindly by Oswin, again highlighting his open-minded and amiable nature. He is unmarried, and has no children. He is in a relationship with [url=http://i.imgur.com/TYBbNa9.jpg]Lady Eloise Phoel (18)[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/UPh7TWR.png]Princess Gwendolyn Sheffield (17)[/url] Gwendolyn is the daughter Coreolanus always hoped for. As beautiful as she is charming, Gwendolyn has hosts of suitors lining up to win her hand in marriage, and she revels in the attention. While she has never developed particularly strong bonds with her siblings, she instead surrounds herself with other friends of nobility and potential suitors. She is yet to be married and has had no children. [/hider] [hider=Crown's Council] [center]Naturally, one man cannot rule over an empire the size of Abelon by himself, and indeed no wise ruler would trust themselves to do so even if they could. The Crown's Council is, for all intents and purposes, the most powerful governing body in Abelon, second only to the Emperor himself. For while the Emperor is not forced to obey [i]anybody[/i], those on the Crown's Council ought to represent the most able minds in their chosen fields and as such, most Emperors tend to lend the Crown's Councillors their ear. The Crown's Council meets bi-weekly in the Crown's Court.[/center] [url=http://i.imgur.com/UcIKCR8.jpg]The Lord Seneschal, Celbar Othelen[/url] The Seneschal is, officially at least, the second most powerful figure across the Empire of Alberon. They hold the most regular audience with the Emperor, are responsible for holding meetings of the Crown's Council in the name of the Emperor should they be unable to attend, and they generally speak with the authority of the Emperor himself. Most often however, the Seneschal will be found handling the more trivial duties of an Emperor. [url=http://i.imgur.com/bnMluT4.jpg]The Lord Marshal, Abaloft Fearlocke[/url] The Lord Marshal holds authority over the land-based military forces of the Empire and is one of the greatest strategic and militaristic minds in the Empire, or at least they should be. Abaloft is very much a 'man of the future', and has dedicated much of his time studying the latest technological advancements in the applications of gunpowder, with firearms being gradually introduced in a supporting role across the Abelonian military under his instruction. [url=http://i.imgur.com/yBEMhaU.jpg]The Lord Admiral, Galain Nolford[/url] Unsurprisingly, the Lord Admiral is the highest office one can reach in the Abelonian Navy. The Abelonian Navy has a rather unorthodox method of appointing a Lord Admiral, in that the six members of the Abelonian admiralty elect one of their own to the post of High Admiral for a period of five years, at the end of which another election is held. It is their belief that through this method, the High Admiral will truly represent the greatest naval mind Abelon has to offer, and it has proven relatively successful since its introduction fifty years ago, with the land-based military considering implementing a similar method somewhere down the line. [url=http://i.imgur.com/nh7Q6fG.jpg]The Lord Treasurer, Tholan Safilix[/url] Responsible for handling the economy, it is the role of the Lord Treasurer to preside over the Imperial Treasury and find the means to finance Abelon. Likewise, the Lord Treasurer also oversees the imports and exports of Abelon on a very general sense, with merchants in the empire being granted surprising levels of autonomy, so long as they pay the trade tax set and enforced by the Imperial Treasury. [url=http://i.imgur.com/YPgf0IO.jpg]The Lord Whisperer, Ezekiel Tauryn[/url] The Shadowmaster, as the name would suggest, has the important duty of maintaining spy networks which are used to ensure the Emperor and Crown's Council are provided with the most recent information concerning the activities of their rivals. [url=http://i.imgur.com/AWuyxKK.jpg]The Lord Inquisitor, Vanar Gethen[/url] The Lord Inquisitor heads the 'Crown's Inquisition', an organisation that spans the breadth of the Empire and is responsible for the enforcement of Abelon's zero-tolerance for the use of magic not sanctioned by the church. Though with the persecution of those magically-inclined, an already low number, there are very few with such talents left in Abelon, for they instead head to lands with a more tolerant view toward them. [/hider] [hider=Other Nobility] [center]The following are the nobility that will be directly involved in the invasion of the isthmus[/center] [url=http://i.imgur.com/HIiywAO.jpg]Lord General-Paramount Gregor Dougeln (43)[/url] The Lord General-Paramout is second only to the Lord Marshal, and the royal family. It is the duty of the Lord General-Paramount to aid the Lord Marshal in planning military campaigns, as well as ensuring the Lord Generals are aware of their task. [url=http://i.imgur.com/l9RBC4z.jpg]Lord General Aedan Bathurst (23)[/url] Vain. Pompous. Push-over. Inexperienced. Vengeful. [url=http://i.imgur.com/1YelNS0.jpg]Lord General Davon Acton (51)[/url] Pompous. Authoritative. Talented Tactician. Racist. Callous. [url=http://i.imgur.com/kvHT9kg.jpg]Lord General Flynn Astor (24)[/url] Vain. Skilled Soldier. Leads From the Front. Hedonist. [url=http://i.imgur.com/yivvOCd.png]Lord General Haython Sinclair (48)[/url] Kind. Talented Tactician & Soldier. Sympathetic. Authoritative. Veteran. [url=http://i.imgur.com/GFhrgfz.jpg]Lord General Fraeser Eccles (46)[/url] Talented Politician. Foolish Tactician. Racist. Arrogant. Cruel. [url=http://i.imgur.com/S3Pybet.jpg]Lord General Nicholas Lubbock (52)[/url] Drunkard. Arrogant. Cruel. Racist. Coward. [/hider] [center][b][color=7ea7d8]NATIONAL[/color][/b][/center] [b]Capital[/b] Cerisia [b]Government Type[/b] Absolute Monarchy. The Emperor has total power in Abelon, for those around him in the Crown's Council and elsewhere are ultimately serving in an advisory role to the Emperor. Rather obviously however, the Emperor is not involved in every decision that takes place within the Empire, with the nobility being granted authority over their lands in his name. After all, no man can rule an Empire on his own. Instead, the Emperor often decides on the general 'direction' he looks to take the Empire in and his subordinates ensure the will of the Emperor is carried out. [b]Currency[/b] Abelonian Crowns. [i](Gold Crown = 10 Silver Crowns = 100 Copper Crowns)[/i] [b]Population[/b] While there are no truly accurate statistics available on the exact population in Abelon, with such a task being near impossible, from the information that has been gathered it is estimated that Abelon has a population of roughly [b]22'000'000[/b] [b]Unique Trait #1[/b] [i]Empire[/i] Abelon has the might of the largest empire on the continent of Tityos behind her. This has benefits not only in the most obvious form of manpower and industrial might, but Abelon has become a highly self-sufficient empire and has no immediate problem in funding a lengthy, resource-taxing campaign. [b]Unique Trait #2[/b] [i]Prestigious[/i] The Abelonians are the best. Or, at least, they think they are. The citizens and military alike will rally around Abelon in times of war, determined to loyally support their righteous and civilised empire against any and all foreign threats. The soldiers will fight harder, longer and the citizens have no qualms with contributing a little more in the ways of a war tax, or volunteering to see the action for themselves. [b]Unique Flaw #1[/b] [i]Reputation[/i] The Empire of Abelon is certainly infamous. Known for its forceful imposing of the 'civilised' way of life and low tolerance for non-humans, it is highly unlikely that anybody would willingly submit themselves to the rule of this foreign power. Indeed, even those who are brought under her rule are likely to actively conspire against the Empire, rather than accept their new overlords. [b]Unique Flaw #2[/b] [i]Empire[/i] The Empire is large, very large. Naturally the manpower of the Empire is spread across its dominion, and as such gathering armies takes effort and, more importantly, time. Any foreign nation with spies can easily tell when the Empire is gearing for war, with troops amassing in one place over a prolonged period. So much for the element of surprise. [center][b][color=7ea7d8]MILITARY[/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BjshQGK.jpg[/img] [i]The typical dress and equipment of the standard Abelonian infantry.[/i] The Abelonian military has remained wary of the latest developments in gunpowder, implementing riles only in supportive capacities alongside the traditional pike, halberdier and sword-and-shield troops favoured heavily throughout the history of Abelon. The Abelonian military, much like Abelon itself, is dominated by humans. In fact, non-humans are not even allowed to sign on with the Abelonian military in any role higher than the equivalent of 'pack mule'. The reasoning behind this is simple. It is not a good idea to professionally train and arm members of species discriminated against in the Empire.[/center] [hider=Abelonian Infantry] The backbone of any army, the Abelonian Infantry is by far the largest division of the Abelonian military. Currently, the military is in a transitional phase from the old methods of combat, to the new, with gunpowder being heavily introduced among the rank-and-file. This has led to an interesting merger of 'old-way' troops, heavily armoured with pikes, halberdiers and blades and the lighter armoured ranged troops, utilising gunpowder and muskets. [url=http://i.imgur.com/GiHUiPQ.jpg]Leadership[/url] The Abelonian Infantry, across the board, is led by the nobility. Many families of the upper-classes in Abelon take great pride in their record of military service, and it has become a tradition for the younger members of the nobility to pursue careers in either the military, or the running of the state. As might be expected, this has resulted in those not well suited for their roles in the military still being given a position of command, purely because of their birth and the effectiveness of the military can suffer as a result. Yet on the other hand, Abelon is by no means a slow-progressing nation, with 'Officer Academies' across the realm all including courses to properly ensure the up-and-coming leaders of the army are properly versed in the latest tactics and strategies, with a growing emphasis being put on the role of gunpowder in combat. [url=http://i.imgur.com/2bByFv3.jpg]Standard Infantry[/url] With their uniforms having become instantly recognisable, these forces make up the bulk of the Abelonian Infantry. They recieve basic, professional training across a broad spectrum of weaponry, from blades and pikes to even some basic training in rifles. Most of the troops in these 'typical' infantry regiments are armed with pikes and blades, while a minority are armed exclusively with muskets in a supportive role. They are capable of taking on both offensive and defensive roles, as likely to be found on the frontlines of a battlefield as they are patrolling the streets. [url=http://i.imgur.com/vv3pqx2.jpg]The Royal Halberdiers[/url] These troops have devoted their training entirely to melee combat and have specialised in thse use of halberdiers, a weapon long favoured by Abelon. They are perhaps the most prestigious force in the Abelonian military, with men from this force being potentially selected to serve as the personal guard for the royal family. The vast majority of the troops, however, never serve the royal family directly and instead compliment the standard forces of the Abelonian infantry, leading the charge in melee and close-quarters engagements. When on conquests, the Royal Halberdiers often act as a temporary guard force in annexed cities and nations alongside the standard infantry. [url=http://i.imgur.com/hKigzUh.jpg]The Crownguard[/url] Identifiable immediately through their elaborate uniforms, the Crownguard is comprised of fourteen men charged with the protection of the Emperor and, by extension, the royal household. Those in the Crownguard are supposed to represent the most capable fighters in Abelon across a broad range of weaponry, though they only carry a blade and spear. To join the Crownguard is to do so for life, and only very rarely are members of the Crownguard dismissed from their post. [/hider] [hider=Abelonian Navy] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BVKtJbl.jpg[/img] The Abelonian Navy is known throughout Avara for its large size, as one would expect from an empire as large as Abelon. This by no means, however, has led to quantity over quality. In fact, Abelon is considered one of the leading naval powers and is paving the way for more advanced vessels, with consequently more firepower. Each vessel in the navy is assigned a 'class', and their assignment depends on the amount of guns that ship can hold. First Class ships have roughly 45-60 guns, those of the second class have 20-35, while those of the third class have 10-20. [url=http://i.imgur.com/gNdZ1SX.jpg]First Class Vessels[/url] The pride of the Abelonian Navy, these vessels boast a large amount of firepower and are most often found leading the naval formations. Their size and firepower has led to their reputation as almost a sailors 'boogyman', for nobody wants to end up in the firing line of these vessels. They are, however, the most expensive naval vessels to maintain and as such are only brought into commission during times of war. [url=http://i.imgur.com/G6hJSve.jpg]Second Class Vessels[/url] The standard naval ship, they have a decent amount of firepower and have been in production for near a hundred years. Useful for their relatively cheap maintenance costs, Abelon has assigns Second Class Vessels to the protection of sea-based trade routes to-and-from her overseas colonies to deter piracy. Should a war arise, the Second Class Vessels are expected to provide the bulk of fighting ships for the Navy, with their speed and manoeuvrability compensating for their lack of firepower when compared to the slower First Classes. [url=http://i.imgur.com/igkWeON.jpg]Third Class Vessels[/url] Primarily troop transports and ramming ships, these increasingly outdated ships are the remnants of the 'old ways' of naval combat. While some have been repurposed and given several cannons on the top-decks, many are used for simpler purposes of transporting troops overseas and ramming their opponents. This does not account for the vast number of merchant and cargo ships used for the transporation of goods and resources within the Empire, as well as for foreign trade. [/center][/hider] [hider=Abelonian Cavalry] Abelon has a varied and effective cavalry force. The cavalry are used primarily in roles that support and compliment the infantry, such as countering enemy cavalry or performing 'shock' attacks against enemy lines before quickly withdrawing and repeating the process. [url=http://i.imgur.com/DQi7ftz.jpg]Elk Riders[/url] Used when brute force is required, these elk have been specially bred since the days of the Pharazon Empire for a role in the military. The result has proven a success, with larger, more durable and certainly more deadly elk being commonplace among the Abelonian cavalry. These riders will lead the charge into lines of enemy formations, causing chaos among their ranks. Unlike the shock cavalry however, they will not pull out after engaging the enemy troops and will instead stand their ground while the Abelonian infantry seizes the momentary chaos in the enemy ranks to charge themselves and mop up their opponents. [url=http://i.imgur.com/31LbQTm.jpg]Standard Cavalry[/url] The most versatile of the cavalry troops, these men take on the more supportive and adaptive role among the cavalry. Most commonly found waiting not far from the main troop formations of Abelon, this cavalry force will survey the battlefield and adapt to what is most needed, be that charging the enemy frontline behind the elk riders, working alongside the shock cavalry for added punch, or simply protecting the Abelonian infantry from any possible cavalry attacks. [url=http://i.imgur.com/7K23R1K.jpg]Shock Cavalry[/url] As the name suggests, these are the light cavalry force of Abelon. Armed with particularly long lances and a notably fast breed of horse, it is the purpose of this cavalry force to strike enemy formations and simply continue forward through the ranks, eventually circling around to repeat the process instead of remaining in place for a drawn-out fight as the Elk Riders would. [/hider] [hider=Abelonian Artillery] [/hider] [center][b][color=7ea7d8]GEOGRAPHICAL[/color][/b][/center] [center][b]WIP[/b][/center] [hider=Major Towns/Colonies] [b]WIP[/b] [center][url=http://i.imgur.com/ErrF8Pw.jpg]The Capital of Abelon, Cerisia[/url][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FH9HeSw.jpg[/img][/center] [url=http://i.imgur.com/z5LUrbl.jpg]The City of Florisia[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/OOR0nsH.jpg]The City of Aurym[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/IEr31Ug.jpg]The Port City of Merisia[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/3jhH3Ua.jpg]The City of Gilaem[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/8AuuXG3.jpg]The Port City of Lymaen[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/qOCD7ac.jpg]The Port City of Strateis[/url] [/hider] [hider=Major Castles/Fortresses] [b]WIP[/b] [/hider] [hider=Buildings of Interest] [b]WIP[/b] [/hider] [center][b][color=7ea7d8]RACIAL[/color][/b][/center] [b]Majority Race[/b] Human [b]Majority Race Appearance[/b] As one would expect a typical human to look. [b]Majority Race Characteristics[/b] Average lifespan of 65-70 years for a human male. Average lifespan of 70-75 years for a human female. [b]Minority Races: (If any)[/b] At present, there are no non-human races within Abelon. [b]Minority Race Characteristics[/b] N/A [center][b][color=7ea7d8]RELIGION & MAGIC[/color][/b][/center] [b]State Religion[/b] The Old Ways [b]Religious Information[/b] [b]Religion Demographics [/b] [b]Holy Relics In Possession[/b] [b]Holy Sites Under Control[/b] [b]Magical Schools and Curriculum[/b] [center][b][color=7ea7d8]CULTURAL[/color][/b][/center] [b]History[/b] WIP [b]Historical Relations and Greivances[/b] [hider=Abelon - Grogar Tribes] Shared History (Abelon - Grogar Tribes) [u][b]180 YL[/b][/u] The Grogar Tribe of the Dustclaws soon arrive to the Abelon-Vrent Buffer, leaving the Dragon's Spine, and begin their reign of terror over the populace for a number months to come. Growing more bold, the Dustclaws ventured even further into the realm, eventually finding themselves past the Abelonian Border, and stepping upon the Town of Aelith. The Grogar, as typical of their kind, assault the settlment, and within a few hours, laid waste to it, many of it's residents now caged or eaten by the barbarians, a few however, managed to escape the onslaught, and fled to where they could not reach them. This became, unsurprisingly, known as the 'Massacre of Aelith'. Not a day after the attack, the usual merchants from Merisia arrived to peddle their wares to the town. Rather than being greeted by the pleasant sight of the town and her people, they instead find flames and ruin. Devoid of life, half-eaten corpses littered the ground alongside upturned stalls and goods disgarded from buildings, the cause of the town's ruin only too clear. They do, however, come across a small group of children hidden away in the cellar of a house, having heard their wailing. How exactly these three children managed to escape the barbarism is unclear, though they were the only residents to have to such. Those not dead were in the process of such, those who were not eaten, enslaved. Naturally the merchants opted not to linger, and brought the children with them on their return journey to recount the horrors they had managed to survive. Among the nobility who heard of the atrocitiy, there was uproar. A group of 'scum-like, paleskin shits' had dared to not only enter into Abelon, but to bring their savage, barbaric lust for blood with them. It was reported that when the Emperor himself was informed of the attack, he fell into a fit of rage lasting an entire night, cursing the brutes that had entered his realm. Now several days after the assault, the Emperor ordered a response to the attack, determined to stamp out the cretin that stained Abelon's borders. Prince Oswin himself volunteered to lead the assault with his brother, Prince Casper, and their request was granted by the Emperor. Meanwhile, word of the assault spread like wildfire throughout Abelon, with stories of the savagery of the barbarians being created to no end. The people demanded revenge, and Abelon was all too keen to oblige the masses. Just under a month after the assault, a force of 8'000 professional cavalry was assembled at Cerisia by Princes Oswin and Casper, with several military leaders assisting them in the preparations. Marching out of the city, the army was seen off by cheers and cries of support from the Cerisian populace, eager to see their revenge delivered. The tribe of 10'000 paleskins did not prove hard to track when the Abelonian force arrived at the buffer-zone, and the decision was made to strike suddenly during the night to allow for as little resistance as possible. To accomodate this plan, scouts were sent ahead of the main force to locate and track the paleskin tribe, before they would report back to the Abelonian force which would, in turn, march through the evening and night to reach the tribe. Roughly three or four hours before the rising of the sun, the Abelonian force came within sight of the dimly-lit paleskin tribe in the distance, and they began their attack. Horns signalled the cavalry charge, alerting the paleskin tribe, though it was likely too late for any true formation and resistance to the cavalry to be formed, with a majority of the tribe having been at peace in their sleep. Smashing through the paleskin camp under the cover of darkness, the Abelonian cavalry charged with a fury and brutality that would match that even of the paleskins, sparing none. Huts of mothers and their children were set alight to the sound of shrieks and cries of agony, while the warriors were cut down before they had a chance to react to the situation around them. Only when the leader, Caadu Skullreaver, was found did the troops show any signs of restraint, having been instructed to take the leader captive, so that they may face true Abelonian justice alongside the rest of their kin. Similarly, a group of roughly thirty child-like paleskins were spared the blade, and instead taken captive alongside the leading highborn. Few others were willingly spared, however, as the attack continued throughout the night. Before long,several the Uruka, a hulking sub-race of the Grogar, emerged from their dens, and came charging toward the Abelonian horsemen, smashing against them, sending the riders ad their beasts flying. Thier rampage however came to a swift end as arrows fell upon the brutes. Having massacred most of the paleskin tribe, with some being taken captive and others able to escape as a result of the Uruka distraction, the Abelonians set the remaining huts and tents alight. Keen to make a strong message out of the over 9'000 paleskin corpses, Abelon troops began beheading the dead, placing their heads on pikes positioned throughout the once populous camp, alongside Abelonian flags. There was to be no mistaking who was responsible for the slaughter. On the return journey, the Abelonian force travelled through the ashes of the town of Aelith. Upon arrival at the town, Prince Oswin decided to exact his own revenge on behalf of the innocents slaughtered there. Forcing Caadu Skullreaver to watch, the thirty children and all other survivng Grogar were tied to makeshift stakes and burnt alive in the town-square. Caadu, however, was not to meet his end here. The force continued on through Merisia, recieving a heroes welcome before finally arriving at the capital city, Cerisia, once more. Word had already reached the city from Merisia that the force was soon to arrive, and the populace were eager to welcome back their 'heroic' troops. Caadu was moved to a mobile cage, allowing the onlookers to see the 'thing' responsible for the massacre of Aelith. Finally, with thousands of citizens gathered outside the Royal Palace, the Emperor ordered the public execution of Caadu through hanging until dead. After his execution, he too was beheaded, and his head placed on a widely-publicised spike in the city square of Cerisia, for all to see that justice had indeed been delivered.[/hider] [hider=Abelon - Vrent/Illgarythe] [u][b]YD 75[/b][/u] Abelon now turns its attention toward the isthmus, the ruling emperor intent on continuing to pursue the expansion of his empire. The City States, having not fallen into as much chaos as the continent of Tityos, make clear their intention to strongly resist any move against them by Abelon. The city-states of Vrent and Illgarythe form a pact, promising to stand together against any Abelonian aggression. Only finally having managed to bring a degree of order and formality to its current territories, Abelon is unwilling to risk another period of instability and chaos among themselves and backs off indefinitely. This leads to Abelons initial dislike for the two city-states in particular, having been denied its opportunity to expand into the isthmus by their alliance. Vrentian civilians do not think much of the threat at this time, as it has yet to arrive at their doorstep. However, Speakers and many of those involved in the military at this time, fully understand the looming threat Abelon poses. They actively galvanize the opinion that the sleeping giant to the West is something to be feared. Illgarythe, fearing the possiblility of encroachment by the Ableon Empire on its doorstep, hastily undergo revisions to its military. This includes building individually-strong vessels to counter the Empire's numerical superiority, adopting more gunpowder-using infantry and artillery, etc. Watchtowers further north are constructed to alert the city-states of Imperial movements. Vrent provides large bulks of refined balsite* fot the construction of the ships in return for a four ships-o-the-line themselves. Many Illgarythians moved north to Vrent to aid in construction and development of these ships and the resulting naval force, seeing it as a fresh career oppurtunity. [u][b]YL 2[/b][/u] Abelon begins her second attempt at taking the isthmus. Unlike the first attempt, they are more prepared and willing to commit forces to the campaign. The navy of Abelon moves to engage Illgarythe and establish a blockade with initial blockades preventing Illgarythe from conducting much of its international trade; Hard-fought naval battles eventually whittle away at the Albeon fleet, but leave Illgarythe's navy exhausted and unable to pursue a decisive victory. Meanwhile the Abelonian land-bsed military focus their efforts on Vrent. The military of Abelon makes inroads in Vrent, taking most of the less-fortified land laying around the citadels and bringing it under Abelonian occuapation. The campaign appears to be going well, as Abelon pursues a strategy of starving out the citadels one-by-one. This traditional siege tactic works slowly on Vrent, due to their ability to move large quantities of goods from eastern cities, especially Ilgarythe into and through the Citadels via the Ard Roads. However, these hidden routes onto the Roads are soon blockaded by Abelonian forces several weeks after their discovery, thus putting the noose on Vrent's collective necks. Before Abelon can pursue this strategy further, and move in to the final stages before occupying the Citadels themselves, an uprising of Agarhin causes civil disrest at home for Abelon. Illgarythian soldiers also arrive from the sout to lift the sieges at Vrent, as Ableon's offensive against them was mainly sea-based, leaving much room to manoeuvre. These factors lead to the withdrawal of many troops besieging the citadels of Vrent, and likewise the return of Abelonian ships from the oceans of Illgarythe and soon after, the remaining forces in Vrent are pushed back. Numerous, Agarhin migrate east to Vrent to escape the perceived persecution of those who would seek magical knowledge in the Empire. On their way back, Abelon scorches what farming land/settlements it can find and executes any Ventus 'prisoners' or citizens they come across, which leads to lasting resentment/loathing between Abelon-Vrent. Having been under siege, Vrent evidently doesn't have time nor resources to prevent these terror-inducing assualts. This series of events leads to formation of the Dhroktuurach, Vrent's specialised anti-siege units, whom carry the motto "Bos Na Abelon - Death to Abelon." In the aftermath of Ableon's offensive, Illgarythe begins the reconstruction of its navy and any damage to its ports it might have endured. Reverse-engineering captured/abandoned Imperial weaponry improves the quality of its military. Illgarythe volunteers to aid Vrent in repairing damage sustained during the sieges. Illgarythe-Vrent relations peak and the two nations sign the [i]to-be-named[/i][/hider] [b]Cultural Notes[/b] The nobility of Abelon have, and will likely always maintain, their strong sense of superiority and pompous demeanour. From birth, they are raised to understand the simple fact of life, that they are above and are inherently 'better' than not just the commoners, but also foreigners and in particular, non-humans. While slavery is indeed abolished in Abelon [i](it was seen as being too barbaric by the nobility, who like to view themselves as civil and above such affairs)[/i], racism is far from. [/hider]