[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/MSMARV_zpso398jjgy.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Carol Danvers[/b][/center] “Well, look who it is!” The Blob said as he basically ignored the baseball bat that had been swung at his skull, “It’s Benedict Arnold! I wonder if the British are coming!” “So, if the four of you are down here, whose piloting your plane?” Lorelei pondered aloud. “Boys?” She said as she quickly turned her head towards both Avalanche and Pyro. “Don’t have to tell us twice!” Avalanche responded. The two mutants aimed their arms up towards the Blackbird and unleashed their mutant powers against the jet. After a few seconds of being barraged by both blasts of fire and seismic waves, the Blackbird began to lose altitude, precariously falling towards the innocent hostages below. However, Ms. Marvel darted up towards the falling X-Jet, pressing her back against the aerial vehicle in order to steady it. Using her energy-based powers to help slow the plane’s descend, Ms. Marvel guided the plane over the heads of the hundreds of people below and safely landed the plane in the unoccupied baseball field that was located in the Boston Common park. Once the Blackbird was safely earthbound, Ms. Marvel turned her attention back to the Brotherhood and bolted in their direction. She snatched Pyro from the midst of the other evil mutants and flew towards the nearby Frog Pond. Her initial intent was to drench the pyromaniac in water. However, she discovered that the Frog Pond was too shallow to be of much use and that if she would have dropped him into it at the speed at which she was flying, she could have killed him. Therefore, Ms. Marvel performed an aerial U-turn and headed in the opposite direction. By this time, Pyro had already in vain begun to try to wrestle himself from Ms. Marvel’s grasp. Across Charles Street, past where she had safely landed the Blackbird, Ms. Marvel saw a second pond that this time could be used to quench the fire-powered mutant. Once she was close to the pond, Ms. Marvel decelerated so that Pyro’s impact with the water would not be identical to him slamming into a brick wall. After she ‘discarded’ Pyro, Ms. Marvel flew back towards where the rest of the Brotherhood (and the people who call themselves the ‘X-Men’) were standing a few seconds ago. While Ms. Marvel had been dealing with Pyro, the Brotherhood and the X-Men began to engage one another. Lorelei was the first to make a move, using her hypnotic voice to try to get the Beast and Quicksilver to become her little pawns. “Men!” She began, “You are slaves to your hormones and your bodies. Listen to my voice and do my bidding. Destroy your fellow X-Men.” “[I]‘Roll some sweet wax in your hand and stuff it in your companions’ ears, lest any of them can listen’[/i], Homer’s [i]Odyssey[/i], Book 12. While not the best metaphor in the world, nevertheless it shall suffice.” The Beast quoted as he revealed that Lorelei’s powers were not be effective against either the Beast or Quicksilver.