The Dean never seemed to bring good news, though Eriset had to admit this may not have necessarily bad. Naturally, it would seem that Ms. Brownes reputation couldn’t have been that well hidden from the rest of staff – even Eriset had managed to hear word, and she didn’t speak to many people at all outside of class. Eriset's eyebrows raised further when she heard the words “he” and “young”. She imagined that after today, there would be quite a few of the male students dropping this class. The door opened for a second time not long after – another man strode in, no doubt their new teacher. She supposed he might have been alright looking, in that kind of silver-fox way. He didn't quite look as young at the Dean had made him out to be, but apparently that was just the fact he had aged before his time - a childish grin seemed to give a truer representation of his actual age, being something of a man still edging on his thirties, as opposed to well into them. It was something of a surprising change, Eriset had thought. The usual line-up of lecturers (excluding the ever-popular Ms. Browne) was comprised of older men, either too arrogant, short-tempered or despondent to really be worthwhile listening to. Despite her some-what optimistic view on the new lecturer, she did notice something - namely the small, tight creases on the back of his grey suit - had he been sleeping before this? ‘[i][color=orchid]What, did he sleep in his car or something?[/color][/i]’ she snorted silently, leaning back in her seat. It didn’t quite go over as well as she thought, wincing as the chair dug right into the tender spot. There was a short exchange between the Dean and newcomer up on stage. “This is bullshit…” one of the boys commented in the meantime, letting go of any attempt to be enthusiastic about the course or lecture. She could see someone else loosening their tie, deciding that it was hardly worth the effort now. Curious, Eriset's eyes flowed up through the rows, looking at how the students were reacting to the sudden change. The boys, obviously, were either less than pleased, or cared as much as they did when the class started – which was not at all. The girls, however – while the occasional one looked disappointed, there were a few talking amongst themselves excitedly, and the others had taken to their phones to text what she assumed to be the good news. ‘[i][color=orchid]Maybe I should be glad[/color][/i]’ Eriset thought, slumping forward once again, pushing a wave of fluffy hair back out of her face. ‘[i][color=orchid]It’s probably going to be easier getting alone time with him than Ms. Browne. [/color][/i]’ In the usual introductory manner, their new lecturer wrote his name on the blackboard behind him. ‘[color=orchid][i]Karl Adalwulf, hm?[/i][/color]’ The girl mused, pushing her thick-rimmed glasses up her nose. He was smirking viciously, knowing full well that he had upset a decent portion of the males in this class – she herself chuckled when he called out a particular boy, but that smile soon fell when his quip brought light to her own wardrobe. Her ears flushed, glowing red. She sat up straight, folding her arms. She knew that she shouldn't – her goal was to blend in after all. “[color=orchid]Still wearing most than some, sir, though if the fig leaf is preferred…[/color]” Eriset responded airily, leaning forward with a falsely pleasant smile, thick with impudence. Not that she really cared all that much – after paying so much in tuition, she figured she may as well wear what she liked. Not that it was her money that she paid with. Or that she was doing a particularly useful degree. College was only a cover for her anyway – pass or fail, it didn't matter that much. The opinion of one smart-ass lecturer wasn't her biggest concern. She heard the giggling of girls beside her, followed by a few chuckles. Eriset tried to keep up the smile, but she did already regret drawing attention to herself. It was hardly going to help her later. Thankfully, a boy interjected – the same one, it seemed, that had been called out for his aggressive peacocking. “You’re the lecturer, shouldn’t you know what you’re going to teach us?” He called out. His friends around him caused a fuss – no doubt to compensate for their own indirectly hurt egos. Eriset sighed none the less, already scribbling random doodles on her page – as long as she kept her head down from now on, things should be fine. ‘[i][color=orchid]Especially with those assholes keeping him pre-occupied. Though I suppose it’s not surprising that a bunch of guys that came here for a hot teacher would still act like they’re in high-school…[/color][/i]’ She thought with a frown, keeping her eyes cast down on her page.