As Rowan’s father appeared, howling and hollering, Rowan stood for a moment, anger still brewing within him, until he eventually relented, releasing his grip on Robert and sheathing his sword. A scowl crossed his face, as he followed Alaric, falling behind Aldurin but ahead of Robert. They stepped into the private chambers of the King, and lined up like naughty schoolchildren. Rowan hardly paid attention to what his father was saying, though he definitely heard 5 barrels of wine being taken from him. This fuelled the anger burning inside him but he knew better than to talk back to his father. Once they had stepped out through the door, he walked alongside Robert, as Aldurin seemed to have fallen behind. He turned his head to Robert, and quietly but firmly he spoke: [color=ed1c24]“ You should fear for the day I become King, Robert. Run along now, you glorified servant. When I’m King I’ll make your skull into a pot to piss in!”[/color] He stopped in place, as Robert continued onwards, rushing off to complete whichever miniscule little errands he had to do. As Aldurin stepped forward and spoke to Rowan, he listened intently. [color=8493ca]"I feel I need to thank you for your support with that 'Rat Lord'. Though I do hope you're not so quick to draw steel where my Queen is concerned."[/color] Rowan thought for a moment, thinking back to all the times during his journeys he had beaten, raped and even killed innocent women, all because their village had refused to join the Kingdom willingly. And then, he did something that he was rather good at. He lied. [color=ed1c24]“ A true man would never lay hands on a woman, be she a commoner, Noble, or a Queen. Emilia would never come to harm by my hands. You have my word.”[/color] Rowan stated convincingly. In a sense, he wasn’t lying, because he knew that violence towards Emilia would not be tolerated. He was a brute, rapist, and a thug pretending to be a respectful, noble and brave Prince.