[hider=~Ruby~] [b]Name: [/b] Ruby Gibson [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Ruby is a very petite person, very short and without any extra weight, she has green eyes and long wavy red hair. She has a small nose and well shaped lips. Her skin is pale and she chooses to dress in old fashioned ways. She always wears 4 specific rings and a necklace with the weel of fortune, and a ruby bracelet. [b]Preferred Beast:[/b] A white female deer. [b]First Weapon Type:[/b] A long bow and a long knife. [b]School:[/b] Elementals, Water Mage [b]Side Class Choice:[/b] Day 1: Period 3: Dragon Speak Period 4: Sparring Day 2: Period 5: Improvisation Day 3: Period 2: Time Playing Period 4:True Sight Period 5: Beast Training [b]Personality:[/b] Ruby is very kind and helpful, although really stubborn and at time egocentric. She is a vulnerable person for she is very sentimental. She is really calm and is rarely mad, but when she gets mad it's a bad time to be around; yet that rarely happens. She gets lost easily. She is an introvert, won't talk about herself or reveal many things even when asked. Ruby is a truly witty and wise person, although she prefers not to show it. She is surely spontaneous and also very gentle. She has a special bond with animals and nature in general. [b]History:[/b] Ruby grew up in a small town with her mother, step father and her sister. Her parents were very cruel to her so she learned to depend on her own. She would see and hear things since she was little, and soon discovered her strong bond with nature. Water was her element, she could listen to it and feel it. She wanted to get away from her family, so when water spread the news of the schools of magic she took the decision to leave. And so she did. [b]Other:[/b] She is a very clumsy person. She loves antiques and art, she sings, paints and writes a lot. She also has a big collection of old books. She is also very good in judging characters at a glance. [/hider] [hider=~Adam~] [b]Name:[/b] Adam Seals [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Adam, a tall guy with black hair and mouse gray piercing eyes, looking like taken out of an old movie. One could always see him with a cigarette glued languidly to his lower lip. He had one of those faces where you were aware of the bones beneath the skin. There was something feline about him; a fine nose, slightly shiny on the edge, dark well shaped eyebrows, dry and chapped burgundy red lips and dark skin beneath the eyes that looked almost bruised, a badge of honour from all the smoking and late nights spent in bars. [b]Preferred Beast:[/b] A female white wolf. [b]First Weapon Type:[/b] A long sword [b]School:[/b] Beast Speaker [b]Side Class Choice:[/b] Day 1: Period 3: Dragon Speak Period 4: Sparring Day 2: Period 5: Gym Day 3: Period 2: Beast Training (tutor) Period 4:True Sight Period 5: Beast Training [b]Personality:[/b] Adam is is melancholy, bitter, and cynical. A reflective and thoughtful young man who was neglected and had to cover his sentimental side. Adam is often indecisive and hesitant, but at other times prone to rash and impulsive acts. He is often ironic and uses a black humour. [b]History:[/b] He was raised by his rich parents who always neglected him. He had everything material he wanted, and after his 13 years he started staying out late, sleeping with many women and drinking a lot. He soon got bored of this kind of life and realized he was not happy at all. Once he heard about the schools of magic decided he had nothing to lose. [b]Other:[/b] He is a great pianist and an even greater liar. [/hider] [hider=~Cassie~] [b]Name:[/b] Cassie Roots [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] She has red/ginger hair that tumble over her shoulders in light waves. Her skin is white and soft and her face has delicate features. Her nose is slightly upturned, Her lips are fleshy and remind of a native american; her body is well shaped, although she is short, always seen in an elegant posture. Her eyes are light blue/gray, almost transparent. [b]Preferred Beast:[/b] A small white dragon. [b]First Weapon Type:[/b] Little throwing razors ,occasionally attached to a fan (shuriken like thing) [b]School:[/b] Life Mage [b]Side Class Choice:[/b] Day 1: Period 3: Dragon Speak Period 4: Sparring Day 2: Period 5: Improvisation Day 3: Period 2: Protection Period 4: Potions Period 5: Beast Training [b]Personality:[/b] Cassie has all the Victorian virtues, including dignity, her directness and her art of conversation. She is reasonable, well-trained, and polite. Considered in this way, she is the perfect foil, or counterpoint, or contrast, for all the unsocial, bad-mannered eccentrics that she encounters. She has an overwhelming curiosity, but it is matched by restraint and moderation, yet on the other hand, she exhibits a child's insensitivity over things that seem harmful. Cassie approaches life as an anthropologist, but maintains a strong sense of noblesse oblige that comes with her class status. She has confidence in her social position, education, and the Victorian virtue of good manners. [b]History:[/b] Cassie comes from a wealthy English family who taught her good manners and gave her all the love a child needs. She decided to join the schools of magic, and learn to live on her own, although she was unsure about getting separated from her loving family. [b]Other:[/b] ~[/hider]