[@Kurisa] [img]http://i.imgur.com/B0O5J7D.png[/img] [h3]Tatsuo Hyakuya[/h3] [13th Ward] Tatsuo rose from the rubble, yanking the blade from his stomach and ready to charge back at Kazumo. He stopped dead in his tracks, turning to the side to see a green haired devil. He sighed, his eyes turning cold as Kazumo ran almost immediately. [color=maroon]"Tch, if I had longer I would of had the strength to fight you. Too bad my meal just ran away"[/color] He said to Shizuka, knowing full well who she was. Among the entire CCG, she was the most dangerous. She didn't care for the life of humans, so hostages were pointless. He also knew words were pointless to her and could only think of escape [i]Next time I'll end things quickly instead of dragging it on like this.[/i] Kazumo wasn't in his Kakuja mode, instead 8 of his harpoon appendages behind him. They were thinner but light, light enough for Tatsuo to escape. [color=maroon]"I'd love to stay and fight you but not today"[/color] He smacked the ground in front of him, kicking up a small dust storm in front of her. He leaped up to the top of a building and kicked off it, heading back to Hydra Nest territory. He knew she'd be hot on his tail, if not swinging at him already. He still pulled out his phone and dialed a number, only saying a few words before abandoning it to turn behind him. [color=maroon]"Gather the 9 Heads"[/color]