Kingpin... This guy has been here for this long and Peter hasn't heard a single thing about the guy? Peter has dug in to the criminal world for about two years now, and the beginning of his crime fighting career (some would say his vigilante days) he went to a lot of places hunting down every lowlife thug he could find, and the name never popped up... Was he around that time? Was the the one that hid his Uncle Ben's killer from him and the police? If that was the case, he would love to meet this Kingpin guy more than ever. Before they left the rooftop Daredevil said something to the two, but Peter felt like it was more towards him. "Don't let this be personal." The man dressed as the devil said. Spider-Man didn't look at the man, he simply shot a web towards the buildings, and the two heroes were off. The young man had a lot to think about as they swung towards the Empire State building, and while Lexi took off her mask, Spider-Man kept his on. He looked down at the city, listening to Lexi's comments. "I'm not sure... But if he is truly as dangerous as Daredevil made him sound, taking out his support will be the first step. Knowing our luck, we'll come face to face with the guy sooner or later." Spider-Man said with a shrug. "He can't possibly be worse than the people we've fought before, right? Plan sounds good, but we should probably take a photo shoot for the Bugle tomorrow, they probably wouldn't like it if I came in tomorrow empty handed." ---- Peter had the photos in his hands of BlackCat and Spider-Man from last night, and showed up at Lexi's house. A short conversation with the Rogers' and Lexi's Uncle Matt, and they were off to the Daily Bugle. The place was as busy as ever, reporters, newspaper editors, photographers, the sound of keyboards clicking and conversations filled the room as soon as they stepped in. Peter pulled Lexi close to him as a cart full of newspapers came rushing down the hall, almost hitting her. "This place probably has more traffic and deaths than rush hour Downtown..." Peter said with a smile, leading his girlfriend towards J.J. Jamenson's office. As they did they looked around the area, seeing any potential break in points, escapes, exits, you know, the essential stuff. They made it to Betty, the receptionist's, desk and she looked at Peter with a smile. "Hey Pete. Might not want to go in there, Boss is kinda in a bad mood." Betty said with an eye roll, then making eye contact with Lexi. "Ooohh, and who's this? Your girlfriend?" She asked with a smile, before any of them could respond Jamenson's door burst open, made direct eye contact with Peter, and pointed at him. "You, Paul! You're fired!" He screamed, thought about it for a second, then shook his head. "You're the Web Head photographer right? What do you have for me? Who's she?" Peter held up the pictures of the two heroes. "I have a few from last night, and this is my girlfriend Lexi Ro--" "Is she a photographer too?" "Erm, no but--" "Then why's she here? This isn't a fieldtrip, Parker!" Jamenson said, snatching the pictures and walking back into his office. "Good work! Talk to Joe about the check!" and he was gone. Peter gave Lexi an apologetic smile, and Betty sighed. "don't worry about him, he's always like that. The first month I was here he fired me and rehired me four times before lunch. He's extremely stressed today, the Mayor elections are starting up again, and he usually spends this time trying to get his son into the running. You know his son's the famous astronaut right? The really hot one." Betty started to say dreamily. Peter mentally vomited. "An Astronaut huh? neat... I'm gonna show Lexi around if that's alright, then pick up my check." Betty nodded. "Totally fine, Pete. I'll talk to ya later." She said in her thick Brooklyn accent, giving a smile to them as the two walked off. "As you can tell, J.J. is a lovely fellow. I could never guess why anyone would try to kill the guy..." Peter muttered to Lexi.