[center][h1][color=ff6363]Queen Emilia[/color][/h1] [img]http://nsa27.casimages.com/img/2011/10/08/111008022744372021.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr]Emilia listened to the King and nodded her head while taking in a quick whiff of one of the flowers. She turned heel and faced him while he continued on speaking. [color=ff6363][b]"Well, I..."[/b][/color] She couldn't even finish after having someone fling the gate wide open and report to the King that trouble was going on at the castle. Emilia hoped that one of her guards didn't kill anyone on the first day. Men. So quick to draw and sword these days and not talk things out or listen to reasoning. Her eyes went towards the King as he departed to check upon the matter then eyed the guard before her. [color=ff6363][b]"What has happened?"[/b][/color] She asked him but he didn't reply as she raised a brow. [color=ff6363][b]"No disrespect, your Majesty but just know that your people are safe."[/b][/color] He said with a firm nod. Her eyes gleam when she saw her bastard brother come in the garden now. [color=ff6363][b]"Yes, Lachlan, I am okay. Thank you."[/b][/color] She looked at him then at the other guard, whom he shooed away as he left with a nod of her head. Something definitely went down and she was going to hear about from Lachlan, she could just tell. [color=ff6363][b]"Speak to him in what ways, Lachlan?"[/b][/color] Emilia was really getting tired of people questioning if this was what she really wanted. [color=ff6363][b]"Yes, this is what I want and this is what I'll have. I will marry Rowan and he'll take the throne of Sevaviel since King Alaric isn't going anywhere soon."[/b][/color] Emilia sighed softly as she held a hand up at Lachlan. [color=ff6363][b]"Sorry, just a bit frustrated and need to be in my room."[/b][/color] Emilia started to walk away then turned to face Lachlan. [color=ff6363][b]"Care to escort me, dear brother?"[/b][/color] She said with a soft smile. When Lachlan came by her side, she'd link her arm with his and walk out of the garden grounds and towards the castle grounds. [color=ff6363][b]"I really wish to speak to Rowan soon as he is my husband to be and I spoke with everyone else but him."[/b][/color] Emilia muttered towards Lachlan as she'd unlink her arm from his. [color=ff6363][b]"Please find him and escort him to my chambers before dinner. Thank you."[/b][/color] She walked up the stairs and to her room then sat down on the foot of her bed. She'd await Rowan's arrival in her chambers as she must hurry her conversation with him up so that she could change for dinner.