[b]Ryan Bishop 3rd November 2017 1202hrs[/b] Sweat dripped from his brow as his muscles worked over time, he could feel the burning sensation running through his body, he pushed on regardless, it was the only option. Ryan grunted as he finished his last set of sit ups and wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, working out had become as important a task as salvaging food, he didn't want to find him in a situation where he couldn't escape danger because he was out of shape. Standing up he headed over to the window and looked out, still no immediate signs of life, actual life anyway, there was plenty of reanimated life wandering about, but he was in no hurry to make contact with them. No hurry at all. He grabbed his binoculars and stwpoed away from the window, he didn't want any shine from the sun to give away his position as he took closer looks at the buildings a short way away from the hotel, again nothing. [b]-12:14pm-[/b] The shower was still warm enough to be enjoyable, Ryan leaned over to turn the taps off, they squeaked as he did so. He had gotten himself into a routine, showering wasnt part of it as he woukdnt always have the luxury, but while he did he thought it wise to utilise. He pulled the towel from around his waist and climbed into the clothes that were least dirty before making his way to the door, where he listened intently for any sound. When he was satisfied the coast was clear he lay flat on the grojnd and checked under the door for any shadows or feet that may lay the otherside of the flimsy wooden door before standing and opening the door, he gave each side of the hallway a glance and headed for the main office on the ground floor, where he could check the status of his barricades and check the camera feed for any updates in his security status. No change, no shift within the items in the barricade and the hotel remained clear from what he could gather from the cameras. It almost bored him sometimes, sometimes he wished there would be a change, something happening inside the hotel just to make it more interesting... Still, Ryan prefered being safe and bored than threathened and entertained.