[center][h1][color=ff0000][i]Recap[/i][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=ff0000][i]Intro[/i][/color][/h2][/center] On an evening like any other else, an unassuming couple walked into the Dangeki Cosplay Café, the center of the supernatural activity on Sonomachi City. The couple then revealed that they were couriers of Akane Chikage, one of the oldest and more powerful Youkai known, and that they brought news about what could as well be the end of the world, as we know it. Hearing of the grave news, the Dangeki staff -led by the vampire maid Shiina Gamai- sent out a distress call fr all the Chasers in the vicinity to gather on the store. And so they did, all kinds of creatures, human Youkai and even some that were not either came to the sweet beverages and pastry shop and just as they gathered a great darkness hit them. From the shadows emerged no one else than Akane Chikage, who came personally to deliver the news about the impending doomsday, though it was painfully obvious that she was holding back almost as much information as she gave the Chasers. After concluding her speech, Chikage announced that a set of special missions sponsored by Youkai Junction, an administrative body set to help the relationship between humans and Youkai, were placed on the Dangeki's mission board. Just as the elder Youkai was about to summon her secretary... erm, representative to take care of the situation in her place and leave to do god-knows-what, two new beings arrived. One of them was a mostly harmless, though a bit touchy feely Youkai youngling that was quickly absorbed into the chaos of the Chasers life. However, the other was a being as ancient and almost as powerful as Chikage who was hell-bent on recovering a certain umbrella that Chikage seemed to have stolen from her and leaving just moments after doing it. As the normal, (if this word can be used to describe anyone who partakes in this life style) Chasers began to take missions and leave the café, they were not still aware that the night would be long and dark. [hr]