With a sigh he turned his gaze from Pajama girl back to the student he had first admonished. [color=007236]"You mate, are the reason why the whole world goes down the drain, well not you personally but the collective mentality around you. Let's put it this way, why are you in this class? Because you want to further learn about human nature and apply it to your personal development? No...do you need it? Yes...[/color] sighing again but this time with a bemused, slightly sadistic smile at the indignation on his student's face. Well his and his friends huddled in a tight knit group. Profiting by the pause he deliberately gave, the group started to vocalise their thoughts [color=007236]Sit down and shut up, you wanted a lecture...I'll give you one. It is easy to notice that most of you are here for Ms. Browne, beautiful true, but how many among you are willing to admit they have the hots for a GILF?[/color] The reaction to his statement was varied from people that knew the term and had their mixed feelings show on their face, to people that didn't and were wandering why the first group was looking paler and people that were amused by the situation. With a clap he restored the order in the hall. [color=007236]That was only a half truth by the way, but still I could hear your sphincters clamp down in fear of the term. Name of the class is Social Study, but it should rather be called "Research into the domains of sociology and sociopathy", but it ain't my place to decide that...[/color] The spirits were still taught in the hall, well some of them...well they'll get over it. [color=007236]Now, for those students that are actually able to think for themselves. If you look around yourselves you will see 3 large categories of people after this first test. Can anyone state these to me?[/color] After a short pause, some started to raise their hands while others just glared at him. [color=007236]Yes, that's better. This actually starts to feel like a class.[/color] Scanning the hall he laid his eyes back on the Pajama girl. [color=007236]Now luv, what was your name?[/color] he asked absent-mindedly, not that he wanted her name, just to single her out.[color=007236]Wanna enlighten us on what those are? [/color]