Amaya took a moment to ponder this. On the one hand central 46 would probably have a detailed answer if they were allowed in but at the same time there is a good chance that they would not be let in. The captain of squad 12 is indeed smart but he may or may not know what is going on. At best it might be a speculative guess, albeit an informed one. Her brow furrows but suddenly she relaxes and shrugs her shoulders. [color=ed1c24][b]"Seems like squad 12 might be our best bet. Its closer too. We'll get an answer. It just might not be a satisfying answer."[/b][/color] She turns and puts one hand on the hilt of her sword. She felt more at peace when she had her weapon in her hand. [color=ed1c24][b]"Besides..."[/b][/color] She pauses for a moment. Her eyes drift slightly to the side but then back to center quickly.[color=ed1c24][b] "N...never mind. Lets just head over there. I want some god damned answers."[/b][/color] She doesn't even attempt to cover up her foul language this time. She turns and jumps up on top of a roof and heads off to the 12th company barracks.