Changed a few things in Cinwi's character (namely changing her to fire from ice). Lemme know if everything looks alright! [hider=Cinwi CS][b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Youkai [b]Height:[/b] 5'0 [b]Weight:[/b] 110lbs in standard [b]Blood Type:[/b] B [b]Birthday:[/b] N/A [b]Alignment:[/b] Fluctuates [b]Affiliation:[/b] N/A [b]Aliases/Titles:[/b] Beast, Cin, “Cinny” or "Shorty" (to those who have a death wish) [b]Appearance:[/b] Cinwi bears many draconic features, from pale salmon-colored skin, to scaled patches on her shoulders, neck, forearms, back and legs. Even her maw bears dangerously sharp teeth guarding a forked tongue. Amidst short charcoal-black hair lie a set of four small horns, and her eyes hold a dangerous, fiery tone beneath reptilian pupils. While her outfits tend to change often due to the nature of her abilities, she prefers to wear things that cover up her skin. Long sleeves, long pants, as well as scarves and hoods. Whatever she wears, beneath it all is a form-fitted jumpsuit that can withstand the strain of her abilities, for the most part. [b]Personality:[/b] Cinwi doesn’t tend to make good impressions. At face-value, she’s a foul-mouthed angwy wittle dwagon, with a highly gullible nature and a penchant for acting without thinking, [i]especially[/i] if that acting involves getting her claws on someone. Inherently distrustful and even antagonizing towards humans, Cinwi isn’t too happy to be teamed up with those she once had hunted. That being said, Cinwi is still young, and it doesn’t take the keenest eye to spot a coping mechanism. [b]Background:[/b] Cinwi’s father was not a good person, in fact he was quite the opposite. Wreaking havoc upon human and Youkai alike was his passion, and he did so with vigor few others could match. Cinwi’s birth was unintentional, –and he never shied from reminding her of that– however he saw little use in offing the child. Instead he stole her away, raising her to be vicious and cruel, and for a while it seemed as though she would take after her father. Unfortunately it was all a mere façade. Cinwi [i]did[/i] commit a fair number of atrocities under her father’s orders, but where he seemed to beam with pride at the acts, the anger and rage left her feeling guilty. All it took was the suggestion to her father that she follow a different path in life, and he was quick to disown her. Of course then he promptly attempted to kill her, sending her fleeing far from her home. With her newfound freedom, Cinwi all but ran to the opposite side of her raised-moral spectrum and joined the Chasers. Upon seeing the volume of humans in the organization she was a tad regretful, but it was a step in the right direction, so she’d bear it. Besides, deep down she knew she had no room to complain, in fact she knew it was only a matter of time until someone figured out who she was and what she’d done. That was a bridge she’d cross when she came to it. [b]Powers:[/b] [i][u][b]-Apotheosis-[/b][/u][/i] -A three-stage transformation-based power: [b]Stage 1– Standard Form:[/b] Cinwi as she appears and functions normally is considered to be in Stage One. In this natural state, she is capable of little in the way of spectacle. A constantly raised body temperature and the ability to puff out some heated smoke render her “magic” little more than inconvenient to others. What she has is her natural strength, which while unrefined and nothing outlandishly notable is still not to be underestimated. [b]Stage 2– Enhanced Form:[/b] Accessible through intense concentration (A feat in and of itself for the girl), in this stage Cinwi’s salmon skin darkens and the scaled patches emit fine smoke lines. Whilst in this stage, Cinwi can breathe fire in powerful bursts, but not in steady streams. Her inherent strength is enhanced as well in this form. [b]Stage 3– Final Form:[/b] While not yet accessible, in the last stage Cinwi’s form shifts to that of a proper dragon. Around the size of a standard SUV, her draconic form is stronger and more ferocious, most notably allowing her to exhale high-velocity, high-pressure streams of fire. Her body as well is able to withstand more punishment, however despite being more resilient, damage sustained in this form carries over to her weaker states once the transformation breaks. Cinwi is unable to maintain this stage for more than a few minutes at a time, and over-exertion leads to a loss of transformation. Due to the repercussions of this form, Cinwi will generally flee before a confrontation gets this far, as her chances of survival dwindle with each passing second. [b]Skills:[/b] -Savage hand-to-hand combat -Natural strength -Natural durability -Surprising amount of stamina -Can heat coffee really fucking fast [b]Weapons:[/b] -Cinwi carries no conventional weapons, however her claws in all stages and forms are incredibly sharp and durable. As well, the scaled patches on her skin have proven to be nigh-indestructible, providing most of her defensive capabilities. [b]Equipment:[/b] Satchel containing burn-care products, matches, a journal, a spare robe and a can of mace (for when flash-freezing is too much but spicy justice is [i]just[/i] right.) [b]Other:[/b] -Utterly terrible cook, unless you like burnt [i]everything[/i].[/hider]