Lachlan took a deep breath as Emilia informed him that she wanted the marriage with Rowan. He knew that she did but he feared she might be thinking more of the power the marriage would provide and less of the happiness a marriage to give. Of course, it was rare that Royals got to marry for happiness. He just didn't want to see his sister hurt by the man who would make a promise to love her. As much as he wished to inform her of things he had heard outside of court, where people felt more free to speak their minds, he knew it would do no good. His sister's mind was set... The best he could do now was protect her and ensure that Rowan brought her no harm. At her request, he smiled and nodded his head, [color=silver][b]"Of course, My Queen."[/b][/color] He walked with her to her chambers and moved his arms behind his back as Emilia dropped hold of his arm. He watched her as she requested that Lachlan fetch the Prince for her. He took a deep breath and nodded, [color=silver][b]"If that is what you wish,"[/b][/color] And turned to leaving. Catching the door and stopping himself, he looked back at his sister and sighed, [color=silver][b]"Emilia,"[/b][/color] He said quietly. He rarely used her name, as it was a sign of disrespect and as a Bastard disrespect could quickly turn to his head getting lopped off. However, the few times he did, he brought forth something serious or important to him. He took another deep breath and looked at her, [color=silver][b]"Not all good men are good... I want you to remember that... There are somethings that even I can't protect you from..."[/b][/color] Then he turned and left her be and went in search of the Crown Prince. It took him slightly longer than he would have liked to find Rowan, as he hadn't a clue where he had gone off to. He bowed as he approached the Lord and Royal, [color=silver][b]"My apologies for interrupting... Her Majesty, Queen Emilia wishes to speak with you, Prince Rowan... She's asked for me to escort you to her rooms."[/b][/color] [@HushedWhispers][@OfficerHeadbutt] [hr] Juliet was slightly taken back by the offer to join the Prince in the gardens but nodded her head. After all, who was she to deny a Prince's request. She gave him a small smile, [color=indianred][b]"That sounds like a fine idea, Your Highness."[/b][/color] She placed her hands on her stomach as they walked through the castle and out to the garden. She was tense, after the events of earlier and now being in the presence of a Prince everything was a little manic. However, as they began their walk through the gardens, she began to relax. She took her time in smelling each flower that was unfamiliar to her. The entire garden was spectacular and clearly made for a Queen. She wondered if this were a display of love by the King to make the gardens... Or a display of wealth. She had seen the Sevaviel King sometimes shower his wife in gifts after he paid visits to his Mistress. However, rumours of Mistresses often spread quickly and she had never heard of such from the King of Thirmos. As they reached the pond, she quickly walked over to it and crouched at the water's edge, her skirts fanning around her. She reached out and touched the water, notably attempting to reach one of the floating lilies but found it just out of her grasp. She turned and looked at the Prince before she carefully reached under her skirt and removed both of her shoes. Standing again, she lifted the front of her skirt enough to prevent them from getting wet as she took two steps into the water. Closer to the flower, she leaned over and smelled it before straightening again. She turned to face Caeling and smiled, [color=indianred][b]"Your mother's gardens are stunning,"[/b][/color] She moved out of water, [color=indianred][b]"I've never seen a garden quite as large as this before..."[/b][/color] She looked around again, [color=indianred][b]"I believe I could be lost for hours here..."[/b][/color] [@Jozarin]