Isabel stood in the corridor by the main entrance looking out at the last details of decor before their guests arrived. As usual, she was the keeper of the castle and of special royal events within. A handful of servants rushed back and forth, completing the last of their task while avoiding the long tail of beautiful gold and purple sprawl across the floor. "Charles! Tell me what's on the report today," she command. The elder ambassador and chief diplomat surface from the crowd, with a handful of papers tuck under his arm as he avoided the on-going traffic. "Yes, your Majesty. Today we ha-" "Dear girl! You are going to crush the poor roses," She steps forward towards the young maid holding three vases of freshly cut roses, leaving for room for the flowers. The vase closest to the middle was being damaged by the young woman's chest. Isabel reached for the middle vase, her finger brushed along the crumbled petals." Get new set for these, child. Just carry one at a time. We cannot afford to waste another minute." "Yes, your Majesty. Forgive me, your Majesty." The young maid apologetic bowed towards the older woman before rushing off to do as she was command. "Continue, Ambassador." "Yes, your Majesty." With another bow, the man resumes his report. A guard shuffled past her, covered head to toe in cold iron and chain-mail. A metal dome-shaped cap protected his skull with the Jameson family crest stamped on the front. The guard had a heavy beard, brown and twisted in itself. The guard was armed with an iron spear, which he used as a walking staff, and a wooden parma. The guard gave a bow and continued his patrol through the corridors. A gentle smile reached her lips, rising her fingers to her mouth to hide the rising pleasure within her. The images of her husband wearing his royal armor with the family's crest close to his heart. That man sure hid his well muscular body underneath.... " Your Majesty?" "Hm?" Her soft eyes glance over to to face a confused ambassador,"that will be all." The older man nodded, and with a small bowed, he left to carry on his duties. Not a moment too soon, the room filled with the members of the royal family. It as then it had occur, she had missed breakfast once again. Isabel grabbed the skirts of her dress and approaches the king, her ladies in waiting never to far behind. "Good morning, my dear," she greeted, placing a polite kiss upon his cheek before taking her place beside him. The royal horns trumpeted informing all of the arrival of the new royal family. Queen Isabel watched carefully as they were approached by the young queen. "Welcome, my dear. It has been far too long," Isabel smiled warming, giving a bit of comfort to the poor girl. It has been years since Isabel stood where the young queen were. A married teen walking into her new home. To everyones surprise and hers, the king stepped forward, and embraced the young queen. A soft sign escaped from her, disappointment displayed upon her face. The man could never really follow court etiquette. However, it will not be the last of her hounding his ear off about it again. The gathering came to an end with the King escorting the young queen to speak in private. In announcement, Isabel welcomed each and every member to the castle before departing. [u] [/u] Her delicate fingers moved over the strings with a grace that had come from many years of painful lessons. Still, looking upon her, most thought it effortless, fluid, and as easy as the breaths she took to sing the seemingly wordless tune that accompanied the music. There was no one else, other than the every ladies raised and taken from their family, to serve their queen every wish. The strings vibrated under her touch, releasing a sweet melody. The court will be buzzing with talk of the upcoming events of the royal family. Isabel could understand why. [i]After all, so many things could happen, and there were great opportunities that could arise, come better or for worse.....[/i] Still... [i]Rowan, could he managed to keep out of trouble until after the wedding?[/i] The queen let the wordless sound fade, and continued to play, letting her thoughts wander. Rowan, the eldest son of the royal couple. It was not long she remembered the last three months of her pregnancy, she was bedridden. All feared to lose the royal queen and child she carried in her womb. Still, she did not understand where they have gone wrong in raising such beast... Isabel heard footsteps out in the corridor. The queen bought herself back to the place where she would start the wordless tune, and decided to sing the lesser known words of the sweet lullaby she had sang to each of her children. " Little child, be not afraid. The rain pounds harsh against the glass. Like an unwanted stranger. There is no danger. I am here tonight," She took a deep breath, shifting in the stool "...And someday you'll know. That nature is so. This same rain that draws you near me. Falls on rivers and land. And forests and sand. Makes the beautiful world that you see. In the morning," A warm smile played on her lips "...For you know, once even I. Was a little child and I was afraid. But a gentle someone always came.To dry all my tears. Trade sweet sleep the fears and to give a kiss goodnight, " It made the smile that was playing on the corner of her lips blossom before she continued singing. "....But it's dark and it's late. So I'll hold you and wait 'til your frightened eyes do close." Her voice faded, and went back to the wordless humming with the music before her fingers slowed, and stilled. Isabel placed her hands on her lap, turning towards the door, curious to see who had come to interrupt her. " Forgive me, your Grace. I have news," Isabel heard as a dark breaded man approached her. You knew the man as one of your person guard, given by the king. The man the definition of stalwart warrior; strong, brave and battle-hardened. Isabel nodded, the soldier quickly walked over to her and leaned down, whispering about the events that took place just minutes ago. The queen shook her head, letting the news settle before grabbing her skirts and exiting out the door. She rushed for the Keep and reached the doors of the King's cabinet. The men in chain-mail covered the door, came to a great surprise to see the present of the queen. " Your Majesty! You are not allow-" The queen came to a halt at the door, her anger raising for the fact they did not let her pass. " I demand to see the king at once." " He is quite bus--" " I could careless if the man is being processed as God by the pope," Isabel spoke in a hush tone. Her face mere inches from the guard's. " [b]Get. Him. Now.[/b]"