[center][b][@ravenDivinity] (Darius); [@Laue] (John)[/b][/center] All of a sudden, a group of three tall male humanoids walk into the clearing about a quarter of the way round from you, and jerk to a halt as they lay eyes on you, clearly unprepared for this sudden encounter. From what you can glean from their height and ear length at this distance, they appear to be elvish in nature; it occurs to Darius specifically that they may be similar to the elf-like warrior who so recently faced off against the dark elf and its demonic pet, though it also occurs to him that at that sort of distance from the sphere, the elf most likely perished alongside him. All three wear similar green and brown ranger garments to the elven warrior from before, though the bows on their backs and the swords in their hands are noticably worn, and the swords do not glow or emit excess power in any way. The apparent leader's clothing is slightly more elaborate than that of his companions, and he is the only one wielding two swords, but they otherwise appear very similar in both gear and build; the only noticable difference at this distance is that one has blond hair down to his neck, and the other two (including the leader) possess different hairstyles, the leader with his hair cut short, and the other elf allowing it to flow down to his shoulderblades. After a moment of hesitation, the blond elf sheathes his sword and pulls his bow from his back, nocking an arrow in preparation for a fight; the leader holds a hand out to stop him from going too far, then turns to the two humans and calls out: "Alright, you two... creatures... who and what are you?" "Captain! One of them... he... it bears the Blightmother's taint!" the long-haired elf calls out, instantly setting the other two on edge; now the bowman draws the string back on his weapon, yelling "Don't move or we'll shoot!" at John and Darius, whilst the long-haired elf makes to perform the same action with his bow, and the captain gets into a fighting stance. Whatever this "Blightmother's taint" is, they are all clearly willing to fight if further signs of it are shown, though an apparent degree of uncertainty remains for the time being.