[center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/566952410434646016/p1dYl89L.jpeg[/img] Elliot Washington 20 Elliot's not at peace of the world, though he's not angry at it either. He holds onto his loyalty to friends quite closely, and his rage is only shown when his friends or himself are treat with injustice - he's very defensive. People are definitely made aware of Elliot's presence quickly, though, as he's usually always voicing his opinion, if it's offensive or not. He does like to gossip, but quite hypocritically he doesn't appreciate other people gossiping. The contradiction this creates he tries to justify by saying that he "only bitches when he's got a reason to", and, technically he's correct. He only talks negatively about someone if they somehow annoy him, which is quite easily avoidable if they don't have a strong personality of arrogance. His favourite colour is Navy Blue. There'd be various reasons shared between him and his sister for their departure from home, though they'd both mutually agree that their parents were assholes. This wasn't because they were abusive, alcoholic, or addicted to any narcotics. They were just terrible parents, and lacked any nurturing virtues within themselves. Their father was a lawyer, who rarely paid them any attention when they got home unless they had an issue with their grades at school. Their mother was very similar, though had seemed to think her children were a substitute of servants and maids. A further reason was the fact that their parents were very religious, and were so blinded by this that they were both extremely homophobic. This was a problem for Elliot, who was homosexual. So, because their mother and father treat them like shit they took their own initiative and abandoned the nest to settle elsewhere. [hider=Bedroom][img]http://fehomedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Modern-Bedrooms-12.jpg[/img][/hider] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/e2f606b8091709ac409dbea345739819/tumblr_nm5m2pIXuW1u8x197o2_r1_250.jpg[/img] Lily Washington 18 Though similar to her brother with her outlook on world, she's also quite outspoken. The way she behaves can be misinterpreted as rude, but she and her brother describe her as "blunt" and "honest". She participates in her brother's gossip, though she'll make sure to let the person they're speaking about know how she feels about them. Alongside this, however, she's quite artistic and adventurous. She often escapes the watchful gaze of her brother to sketch horizons, landscapes, environments. She wants to see everything, and hates the restraints of "houses". She wants to always be on the move, and seeing something new every day. Her favourite colour is Red. Her reasons of running away from home are the same as her brother's. [hider=Bedroom][img]http://www.decoration7.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/girls-bedroom-interior-design-ideas-1.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]