As the others who had already arrived accented themselves with one another, a faint voice could be heard coming up the stairs. At first the word weren't even really noticeable. Sort of like a distant rumbling that could have been some plane over head. But moments later they were audible, though totally unintelligible. The tone of them was clearly displeased. And then they became more clear as the person behind the voice was clearly drawing very near. The voice was unmistakable that of a young woman whose voice had the sharp bite of a Irish accent. She was clearly displeased with something because she was swearing so much and so quickly that it sounded like the European version of that angry little cowboy from the bugs bunny cartoons. As the person was coming down the hall the words became more distinct and could be made out. "...An on top of all of this rubbish heap of a mission, they didn't even let me head by the my work shop and pick up a thing or two that might come in fuk'n handy for this kind of opp!'No time for that lass, mission gets top priority, head directly there no stops!' fuk'n nightmare this is gonna be I can just feel it in my damn bones." The door was knocked on rather harshly and the pass-code wasn't so much whispered as 'not yelled'. The door opened to reveal a woman of impressive height and build, her muscular frame evident even beneath the lairs of cloak and wizarding attire. Her deep green eyes shone with faintly with her agitations, her bright red hair tied back in a long single braid that nearly reached the floor. "Warden O'Bagley, ready and reporting for duty. So, anyone have any ideas when this shit-show starts?"