[center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] With a wave of the little gem in Quill's hand, Bucky had been outfitted in his uniform and his shield had appeared in his hand. It was a surreal experience to say the least but certainly a lot more convenient than the three of them hauling ass across Manhattan on the back of Bucky's motorbike. The three of them had watched Daredevil fighting a guy Howard had identified as "Stilt-Man" from a rooftop and once the man in red had successfully pursued him and the police were out of their way they had made their way down. "Fine," Bucky could be heard to say to Quill as they approached Daredevil. He rooted around in his pocket for a minute. "And to think back at the restaurant I thought that Eternity was wrong to pick me. We're meant to be saving the universe and you're more interested in buying a hot dog." They stopped in front of Daredevil and Bucky gestured to Quill and Howard with an awkward smile, knowing how surreal the image must have seemed. "No, your eyes are [i]not[/i] lying to you. That is a talking duck in clothes. He assures me his name is Howard and the guy in the coat hankering for some food is Star Lord. Where I'm from people call me Captain America. We need your help, friend. The universe needs your help."