[h3]Darius [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2798916]→[/url][/h3] [@Laue] Three figures appeared in the clearing before the godlings. Tall. Longer ears. Elves. But they did not appear so nonchalant as they did agitated. Darius' muscles tensed with trepidation, and he took a more defensive stance just as the elves themselves did. They, clad in ranger outfits similar to the one from before, were interrogative and hostile; John and Darius were not welcomed so openly, the distrust of other entities in the realm more apparent to Darius in that moment. A quick study of the group allowed Darius to identify who was in charge. Their weapons were noticeably worn and weaker, especially in comparison to the great sword that Grant drew from nowhere earlier. However, that fact did not change the bold and convicted stances that the elves took against the godlings. [i]I[/i] really [i]hope these guys mean well.[/i] [b]"Alright, you two... creatures... who and what are you?"[/b] The forest was still, but the trees were watching. A hint gave Sterling the warning. If he played his hand incorrectly, he would be dead again. That loss Darius could not afford, not after he just recovered from the last... 'setback.' [b]"Captain! One of them... he... it bears the Blightmother's taint!"[/b] The sense of alarm spreads instantly before Darius can even react, and the pall of danger descends over him and his acquaintance even sooner. The conflict escalates. [i]Think, Darius, think...[/i] A tough fork in the road that Darius did not prepare for demanded that he act in defense or face fate. [i]Please please please, pleeeeeease.[/i] There by the trees he hesitated, and he looked to John as if John could offer the boy any help. That glance was all for nought; John hadn't encountered these elves before, and allowing John to act instead would lead to complications. Darius fired his own shout in reply. [b]"I don't want to fight you!"[/b] His knuckles turned white. [i]A wall would be real nice right now, wouldn't it?![/i] He could picture one in his mind that would come between the two groups and protect Darius from their fire, even if for just a moment. In the moment, he didn't really quite think anything else would be more appropriate for the dilemma.