[center][h3]Character Sheet[/h3][/center] Feel free to format the character sheet however you wish. Once your character has been approved, you may post your character in the character tab. [quote][b]Name.[/b] Name your characters appropriately, please. [b]Sex/Gender.[/b] Male or female. If necessary, include gender identity. [b]Age.[/b] Your character should be between 16 and 50. [b]Appearance.[/b] If you're describing your character, include important details. Describe their hair, eyes, build, and other basic things about their body. Tell us about what they wear. You can use pictures as references, but please only link to them or put them in hiders. Same rule applies if you're using a picture instead of describing your character. [b]Personality.[/b] What kind of person is your character? Some things that may help you are temperament, MBTI types, likes and dislikes, virtues and vices. Give us strengths and weaknesses. [b]Skills.[/b] What is your character really good at? Magic is not for this section. Are they a painter or a pianist? Tell us here. [b]Biography.[/b] What is your character's background? Where do they hail from? You could tell us about their childhood, their struggles, or their triumphs. Any major occurrences in their life belong here, like an enlightening experience or a new situation.[/quote] [hider=Code][code][b]Name.[/b] Name your characters appropriately, please. [b]Sex/Gender.[/b] Male or female. If necessary, include gender identity. [b]Age.[/b] Your character should be between 16 and 50. [b]Appearance.[/b] If you're describing your character, include important details. Describe their hair, eyes, build, and other basic things about their body. Tell us about what they wear. You can use pictures as references, but please only link to them or put them in hiders. Same rule applies if you're using a picture instead of describing your character. [b]Personality.[/b] What kind of person is your character? Some things that may help you are temperament, MBTI types, likes and dislikes, virtues and vices. Give us strengths and weaknesses. [b]Skills.[/b] What is your character really good at? Magic is not for this section. Are they a painter or a pianist? Tell us here. [b]Biography.[/b] What is your character's background? Where do they hail from? You could tell us about their childhood, their struggles, or their triumphs. Any major occurrences in their life belong here, like an enlightening experience or a new situation.[/code][/hider]