[h2][sub][b][color=#FFFC34]setting[/color][/b] [i] + [/i] [b][color=#FFFC34]magic[/color][/b] [i] + [/i] [b][color=#FFFC34]universe information[/color][/b].[/sub][/h2] [indent][indent][color=#FFFC34][b]Southvale[/b] [/color]is the 3[sup]rd[/sup] most populated city in [i] ██████████[/i].[b] [/b] It boasts an illustrious history, the Milo Center (the renowned performance art conservatory, eponymous of playwright Robert Milo, not the stuffed-cake treat), the most expansive selection of fossils of any non-private collector in the northern hemisphere, and the highest instance of homicide per capita of any city in the country. [b] [/b] here's more or less what you need to know about the paranormal investigation group: [b] [/b] [list][*] [i]Very[/i] creatively named [color=#FFFC34][b]Southvale Investigations[/b][/color]. [*] Has existed in some form or another for ~14 years. Membership has waxed and waned over the years. [*] Of the original 4 person team, the longest-involved was Cynthia Wiles. At some point last autumn, Cynthia severed all ties with Southvale Investigations. [*] Some 80 people have called themselves members of Southvale Investigations since its inception. A few of these keep in contact with current members. Others? Restraining orders. [*] Southvale Investigations has an "office" downtown; it's more of a closet than an actual office. There are a few files on previous cases in a rusty filing cabinet - as you can imagine, paperwork's not [i]incredibly[/i] popular. [*] More often than not, Southvale Investigations winds up tracking down lost pets and spying on cheating lovers than [i]actually[/i] investigating anything "strange". They advertise in the phonebook, but otherwise rely on word of mouth and hand-drawn business cards. [*] Southvale Investigations, almost without exception, is regarded as a side-project by its current members. The shift from quasi-legitimate business venture to... substantially less than that, has happened over the last year. [*] Southvale Investigations isn't what you'd call [i]financially prosperous[/i], especially in the wake of Cynthia's departure. [/list] excuse the dust, and remember to check back. this section's under heavy revision. [/indent][/indent] [h2][sub][color=#FFFC34][b]race [/b] [color=white][i]+[/i][/color] [b] species information[/b][/color].[/sub][/h2] [indent][indent]will be added to as things surface. for now, keep it human. [/indent][/indent] [h2][sub][color=#FFFC34][b]character creation[/b][/color].[/sub][/h2] [indent][indent]Jumping juniper, batman! There's no CS in sight! Yup. We've got a [i]mystery[/i] on our hands. The real meat & mettle of who your character is should be [b]pmed to [@dead anime dad] and [@dead anime mom][/b]. Things we [b]need[/b] to see in your character PM: [indent][indent][list][*]age, gender, day job, place of residence [*] description of appearance. [*] how they came to join Southvale Investigations[/list][/indent][/indent] Things to consider including in your character PM: [indent][indent][list][*] sexuality [*] desires/wishes/aspirations [*] [i]fears[/i] [*] family information [list][*] siblings, parents - any sort of significant relationship.[/list] [*] likes/dislikes, especially those with significant reasons behind them [*] emotionally significant items [*] history with the supernatural [*] basically: anything that might have given your character their sense of self, and informed their personality.[/list][/indent][/indent] The GMs will shore up the information you supply us with to fit a small sheet, which you'll then be free to post in the character section.[/indent][/indent]