Letting out a long, low growl Dani glares off in the direction of the church, or at least the direction he thinks it's in, and stomps his foot, his own wings trembling and jerking. “What the heaven were they thinking?! Making you think that wings are anything but natural, glorious gifts!” He stomps his foot again. “Wings are special! Not 'in the way'!” His fangs flash and his glare darkens as his fire threatens to erupt. Luckily however, Aoba is rather distracting just being himself so moments after the fit starts the little demon lets out a long huff and without warning scoops the angel up and takes off. Looking at Aoba he says sternly, “You're going to learn to fly again, and fly right, and that's the end of it!” ~*~*~*~*~ Fenrir has to try desperately to suppress his laughter as he watches what can only be described as righteous indignation whipping the smallest demon into a near frenzy, only to have it immediately swapped out for parental orders and determination. [i]'If I didn't know any better, I would call this all very cute. If he wasn't a demon. . . .This would been downright sweet. . . .'[/i] Letting out a sigh he sets the mirror aside and begins looking over his reports. There's be a distinct down flux in attacks on angels giving him a few more blessedly free moments throughout the day, and he uses just about every second of them to watch his new favorite “show”. Despite being sad and depressing, not to mention immensely confusing and internally conflict inducing, Fenrir's caring for the little angel has only grown, making every moment he has to watch over him all the more precious. He can't believe that he's actually [i][b]glad[/b][/i] that Aoba is back with the demons, but, he simply can not deny it. [i]'Aoba is happier here, and. . . .I can not fight that'[/i] ~*~*~*~*~ Kuro is entirely unaware of the shadow following after him, slipping through the throngs of demons and not at all looking like he's trying to hide from the slightly smaller male. His gaze remains forward, a light worry in his mind over what Aoba and Dani are up to. . . .Mostly Dani concerning Aoba, but still, he worries for them both. Once he reaches a good point he scares off all the demons around so they can not follow him and with a slow exhale he opens his portal back to earth and steps through. Issho is there moments later, sampling the portal rather than stepping through it, just getting a taste so he knows where it leads before letting it close. On earth, Kuro doesn't notice that his portal stays open a fraction of a second longer than normal as he's busy watching Aoba being dropped from a high height in an attempt to help him fly. “Dani!” he barks, prompting the smaller demon to scoop the angel back up, pouting at his little brother as he brings them both to the ground. Once Aoba is safely on his feet Dani lets out a whine. “He was getting betteeeer. . . . .” Not caring if it's true or not Kuro launches himself at the smaller demon and the two fall into a rather vicious play session. Dani is once more careful not to touch Kuro's wounded wing, the healing bath in hell doing barely anything to help it heal.