Metz was on his feet by that point, allowing him to get moving and provide a more difficult target for his foe as he was forced to duck, stow his pistol, and draw. In that amount of time Metz was more than capable of cocking his pistol and firing, while strafing quickly rightwards, his shot was off a little to the right rather than dead centre, but still likely to hit the stationary, albeit crouching, Wolf. His opponent had drawn by the time Metz could fire his second round, hopefully his aim was thrown off by his own dodging manoeuvres, if he even bothered to avoid the rounds at all. Metz was burning mana quickly, two bolts in rapid succession and an abundance of quick manoeuvres was going to cost him dearly. However, he still had some energy left in him, enough to strafe to the end of his platform in seconds, at which point he would have to stop. Only one shot was on target due to Metz’ movement, and fortunately for him it flew underneath his raised right arm barely grazing his vest, adrenaline allowing him to ignore it momentarily. He reached the edge of the platform as he saw his foe’s ice coming in. However, his own ministrations were complete at that point, and with an effort born of pure determination he raised his left arm sufficiently to shoot the bolt, launching it underarm so that it cut right through the ice, blasting into the platform his foe stood upon. The bolt was unlikely to threaten his foe directly unless he had remained standing behind the Ice as the bolt flew through it, but it had saved Metz from its freezing effects. As he reached the edge of the platform however he did not stop, he jumped, seemingly into open air as the nearest platform was in front of him; his hand furiously weaved as he flew through the air to activate his levitation spell before he fell more than ten feet below the platform, cocking his pistol to prepare his final shot. The main benefit to falling through the air for Metz was it took him briefly out of his enemy’s line of sight.