I think Seattle's a pretty good option since it rains much there, and right now it's the fastest growing city in the US. On top of that, Seattle was inhabited by Native Americans for well over 4,000 years. I thought that'd add to the mood with our characters and their living there. With Mount Rainier in the distance, an ocean just west of the city, and seismic activity, Seattle's the slightly more liberal, more naturally-disastrous version of New York, a New York of the West if you will. Comes with decent public transit and location options, including suburbs and urban developments. But it's hard to sway from the attractiveness of New York as a city. Diverse, as we've said, a place most people are familiar with, and equally diverse geography. The Emerald City or the City That Never Sleeps? I mostly like to think to separate us from the eastern United States and bring us to the West for a change. It's really a trivial decision since familiarity is irrelevant, and both cities can be easily introduced or roleplayed in. Seattle, Washington it is.