"I hope luck will be on your side, lad." said the lady knight. At this, Kay frowned, his mood suddenly changed to one of irritation. Arthur had no idea why he had changed so quickly, but he joined the conversation, if only to save his brother from getting beaten to death. "Please forgive my brother. I fear the drink is starting to get to him. Excuse us, mi- Sir." Arthur caught himself as he lead Kay away. He hoped she wasn't too offended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arthur litterally dragged Kay back to their tent. Thankfully, Ector was gone, so they had a moment where Arthur could speak... honestly, with his brother. "What in god's name is the matter with you?" asked an exasperated Arthur. "You get knighted, you fight in the tourney and get free ale! What do you have to be so damn upset about!?" Kay responded by mumbling something that Arthur couldn't hear. "What was that?" asked Arthur, now confused. "I can't beat him!" Kay almost yelled. "I can't beat Modred! He'll kill me!" The silence that followed was long and very awkward. Kay rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Thats what I wanted to talk to you about. I can't beat him, so I won't get my chance to pull Excalibur from the stone. So tonight, we're gonna sneak over to the stone and I'm gonna try it, myself. I need your help, little brother. Will you help me?" He looked to Arthur, nearly begging. Arthur was shocked into silence at first. Then he laughed. "Kay that's the dumbest thing you've ever said. Do you want me to list all the reasons why this is stupid?" Kay still didn't looked convinced, so he went on. "Here, I'll tell you the most obvious one. Only the tournament champion can try pulling the sword. Anyone else is excommunicated and burned at the stake." Kay wanted say something, but Arthur cut him off. "Seems like a really awful way to die. Especially when you can't pull the sword out." Now Kay was angry. "And what's the alternative? Mordred's gonna win, hands down! If he pulls the sword free, he'd be an awful king! For god's sake Arthur, I promise we won't get caught. I just need you help me get past Friar Dobs. Please, brother?" Arthur was getting ready to leave the tent, and forget this stupid conversation ever took place, when Kay deployed his last resort. "If you help me, you can try first." Kay said. At that point, Arthur hated Kay more than any other man in Britain. He had no choice but to say yes.