I'm not going to bother with weight because I can't figure out what would be appropriate. Anyways... [list] [*]Name: Polly Roger ([i]"Not [b]that[/b] Roger!"[/i]; she's not actually related to a certain Pirate King despite her surname, and gets a bit annoyed when people assume so.) [*]Age: 16 [*]Appearance: [url=http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Polly-Roger-Harpy-Pirate-558409683]In her hybrid form.[/url] Her human form basically looks the same, but with human limbs; in both human and hybrid form she only stands at about 5'/152cm. In beast form she becomes a 6'/182cm tall parrot wearing a bandana. [*]Personality: Chirpy and friendly, although this is mostly because it makes it easier for her to swindle you. Polly's pretty street smart, and whilst she's not always trying to con you it's best to keep your guard up around her lest your wallet goes missing. She's possessed of a great wanderlust, and has always wanted to see the world; being a pirate just seems to fit into this dream, although her penchant for theft kind of fits too. She prefers to sleep outside, where she can see the stars; her personal favourite spot is, naturally, the crow's nest. [*]Home Island/Sea: Rogueport, East Blue. [*]History: As an orphan growing up in an island full of cuthroats like Rogueport, there really wasn't much other option for Polly than to become a thieving street rat. Most of her childhood was spent evading what little authority existed on the island whilst stealing whatever she needed to survive (as well as a little extra to keep her comfy). Naturally, she always dreamed of one day leaving Rogueport; she felt like a bird in a cage, and wanted to stretch her at the time metaphorical wings and head out into the world, to see all the strange and exotic places she'd heard lay on the Grand Line. It was all just a dream for her, though, until one fateful day when she stole a bizarre looking fruit from a visiting pirate crew. Hungry (and wanting to dispose of the evidence), she bit into it, the horrid taste making her initially regret this... Until she noticed that her arms were now a pair of brightly coloured wings! She'd heard tales of the legendary Devil Fruits before, but never before had she thought she'd ever see one herself, let alone eat one... Quickly gathering whatever supplies she could fit into a shoulderbag, she bid farewell to Rogueport and, after a few attempts, took to the skies and headed off into the world... [*]Fruit: Bird-Bird Fruit (Model: Parrot) - A Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to turn into a parrot, or a parrot-human hybrid. In hybrid form, Polly becomes a harpy-like creature, her arms becoming wings and her legs becoming talons. Zoan hybrids forms usually benefit from an increase in strength and Polly is no exception; specifically, her bird-limbs are much stronger than those of a human, and her talons are pretty sharp. Most notably is, of course, the ability to fly that her wings give her. In her beast form, she grows in height by about a foot and turns into a giant parrot; her strength is boosted even further, although she is still incredibly unused to this form and is rather clumsy when using it; because of this she prefers to use her smaller hybrid form. In all forms, she has exceptional eyesight, and can mimic the voices of anyone she's heard at least once before. [*]Fighting style: Due to her notable lack of hands in both hybrid and beast forms, Polly's fighting style heavily revolves around using her legs; whilst her wings [i]are[/i] strong, they lack dexterity and can really only be used to slap opponents. Due to her ability to fly, she usually stays above her opponent before diving down to attack when the opportunity presents itself. She has no formal training, however, and most of her knowledge of combat comes from what she learned on the streets and in bar fights; as such she can fight kind of dirty at times. [*]Ship Positions: Navigator. Due to her Devil Fruit powers, she can easily fly off to scout ahead; in addition she has learned the basics of navigating from researching it herself in her youth, when she dreamed of heading off into the world. [*]Bounty: 50,000, for petty larceny (redeemable only in Rogueport). [/list]