[h1] Reward Review[/h1] [b]Skill Points[/b] Negotiation: 2 Subterfuge: 2 Blacksmithing: 1 Weaponsmithing: 1 Aerobatics: 1 Investigation: 1 Socializing: 1 Observation: 1 Weapon (Knife): 1 Disguise: 1 [b]Knowledge[/b] Contact: Krigar Stonetongue Valley of the Screamers Location: Copse of the Blood Vines Screamers' Tribe: Blood Vines Contact: Warlord Keelie of the Blood Vines Contact: Gerhein of the Blood Vines Gerhein: Stronger than 3 Knights Combined Keelie: All Things Have Real Value Keelie: Scary When Agitated Keelie: Can Kill with Ease Blood Vines: Trade Ritual Keelie: Always has a Knife Keelie: Has a Magical Tattoo Ally of Keelie: Giant Crimson Vines Keelie: Stronger than a Squadron of Knights [b]Other[/b] Trade Agreement with Keelie of the Blood Vines [b]CS Notes[/b] Add the skills to your existing skills. Create a separate section for Knowledge, and add those in. Add the things in the Other Category to the appropriate CS sections. I'll be creating the Continuation with Trix here shortly.