Would anyone care to use a chatzy to talk about deals and such? http://us19.chatzy.com/72624317956505 Nation Name: The Empire of Zellon Flag:[img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTALvXX3ZEzqMDIgHrB-COcY6OeZW40GhVRfXe0O_htiaQNPOxC[/img] Brief Nation History (No need for any history before 1700):The Empire of Zellon started out as a small duchy that war amongst other duchies for control of the small resources the island had. Eventually after many generations the duchy grew through diplomacy and war into the single most powerful house in the entire island. It remains at peace with much of the mainland and wishes to expand their interests in the new world to trade. While they have a small colony setup in the new world their enlightenment at home and being of an island nation they remain mostly of their culture and beliefs unlike those who mix and mingle on the mainland. Having the largest fleet they are able to protect their trade lanes and keep the peace around their island. Currently the Nation is lead by a elder King named Zach Conrad and Queen Meghan Conrad. The heir to the empire is 24 years of age and is named James Conrad along with his siblings Kara 19, Zach 16. Government: Absolute Monarchy Landmass: gyazo.com/5f612eb24e967a92f6e121c07a05.. Spend points here -- Population: 22,000,000 (3 points) -- Martial Prowess: 5 -- Cultural Unity: 3 Points -- Navy: 33 Third Rates, 22 Second Rates, 13 First Rate (11) -- Colonies: https://gyazo.com/17846631fc981656318d9511f9bbe378 3 points.