[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/Random/Oslad.png[/img] [b]The Oslad Federation[/b][/center] Oslograde, December 31st, 1835 Twenty years ago Oslad, then a mere fledgling state still under the reign of Ottovan V, raised the military banner of the Royal Oslad armed forces over Valish and ended the long hated Ville state that had torn the Glavidian faith, and the north of the Old World asunder. Since those dark days the Old World has seen twenty years of peace, progress, and modernization in all aspects of life. Now, at the end of the year of our Saint Eighteen Thirty-Five Prime Minister Bogdan Zhelyazko calls for the Boletarian Commonwealth and Ville to bring their ambassadors and call accords with the continuation of the Treaty of Valish signed those twenty years ago. As it stands, the treaty is as follows. 1) Ville shall never raise a force of more than ten thousand soldiers at any given time. 2) Ville shall never mobilize her troops to the border of the Federation or to the border of Thennia. 3) Twelve percent of all Ville income shall go to the Federation as reparations. 4) Prince Garish of Ville shall remain under house arrest in Ville until his departure from this world for crimes against humanity. 5) Ville shall never raise a naval force of more than Five Third Rate, Two Second Rate, and One First Rate ships at any given time. 6) The Oslad Federation holds military access through Ville for the next Fifty years. The meeting to discuss the continuation of these six terms shall be held in Valish in January of 1836. [i][x] Prime Minister Bogdan Zhelyazko of the Oslad Federation [x] Ambassador Vihren Kolarov of the Boletarian Commonwealth [x] Govenor-General Mecik Malenkov of the Ville Confederation [/i]