Looking incredulously at the mage/vendor plying his trade mid-disaster, Keystone had to admire the man's dedication to his job. Of course, he also had to wonder if Meriv was partaking of recreational mushrooms. Wizards... Something seemed a little off with the whole situation outside. Couldn't put his finger on it, but this was not right. To his own surprise, Keystone felt something akin to pity. Not so much the pity one would give to a victim of something horrendously unfair, as the monster in front of him was certainly not that, at least not today. This creature was once a man whose motivation was love and loss, pure and simple. Somewhere along the way he lost his path, and alienated the very thing he wished to care for and protect. This was a man who failed his mission. True, the mission was to murder him, thusly returning his lost love permanently to a prison of steel and dark magic. Unless he horribly misinterpreted the visions and the explanations of individuals more learned than himself, anyway. Then all bets were off, and he was just being foolish. Whatever the case, he felt strongly that he should be out there. He glanced back toward Meriv and spoke with a mock cheerful voice, "Yeah, be there in a moment, right?" Keystone walked outside, hands in his pockets where he could easily retrieve his preferred argument enders. Smart choice or dumb, he was doing this. "GLITH!" a single syllable, spoken loudly and clearly. "She did love you once, Glith. She still might, if you weren't... this. Showed me, she did. Showed me a great many things. Even you, before. All she's got now is fear, more than most all of us." Whether he understood, was listening, or neither, Keystone kept up as long as he was able, "Wise man told me you aren't evil. Watching all this makes me doubt. I can help make this right, if'n you allow it."