Arcadius sat in the corner of the room studying his massive grimore. He'd look up momentarily when someone decided to trudge up to the podium and introduce themselves, then there was the man with the gun. Startling him he dropped the book, a rather loud whump followed after. He'd moved his feet out of the way in time at least... He stood and picked it back up, now would be as good a time as any to introduce himself. He sighed and weaved through the crowd. He made his way to the podium and dropped his book on it in an effort to get peoples attention, if he was going to bother taking time from his reading people had better listen. Clearing his throat he spoke, "My name is Arcadius Innocenti, four year student, perhaps you have heard of my family. My father Ulric Innocenti being one of the most well known in my family, adding around a hundred pages to the family grimore..." " is not the time nor the place for family history, and I doubt any of you are interested. I'll make the ending brief. Don't interrupt me when I'm reading and don't try to steal my Grimore if you value your life." Finishing with a bow he retrieved his staff and book and walked back to his seat. He absent-mindedly resumed reading its pages, he could tell several of the new students had potential.