[@deadpixel101] You took both violin and fencing right out of my mouth, damn you. I'll have to readjust xD [@ravenDivinity] I have a question for you as well. Are you taking part in this as a character? [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Vincent Stentz [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance:[/b] Vincent is a slender youth, and tall, just over six feet and long of limb and neck. Waves of blonde hair lay combed atop his head, tapering short near his neck and ears. His face is somewhat feminine, with large brown eyes and a narrow jaw, and he has a strong, straight nose. He seems to wear a perpetual scowl, his gaze appraising everything it meets. He can often be seen wearing a suit vest and tie, casual dress pants and polished shoes, and a double-breasted coat in the cold season. [b]Personality:[/b] Vincent is a generally cold and calculating individual. He is fairly self-interested, but not uncaring. He simply understands his limits, and chooses to focus his efforts on things more palpable. Vincent's intelligence is exceptional, and his conversations are often extremely brief unless adequately challenging. He is utterly confident in his motivations and abilities, and does not hesitate to show his superiority over others. He favors those with ability, and those who look to him for instruction and tutelage, though dislikes men and women with similar capability to his own, as he is very competitive. While he is strong of mind, Vincent has a hard time forming bonds with others, and is often disliked. He buys loyalty rather than earns it, and such loyalties are often weak. He is headstrong, incapable of resisting a challenge, too demanding of others, and does not often take other perspectives into consideration. [b]Skills:[/b] Vincent is most primarily an expert of strategy, having spent his youth engrossed in the game of chess. He is knowledgeable on warfare, both modern and ancient, and possesses a wealth of knowledge on military history. He is quick of mind and analytical, and a great problem-solver. Aside from mental pursuits, Vincent has explored several physical activities, most dominantly horseback riding and tennis. He is quite comfortable competing in either. [b]Biography:[/b] Vincent's is a story not unknown to most of Seattle's upper class. His family name is known to many, the Stentzs being the proprietors of dozens of facilities throughout the city. Aside from being a major importer, they own many medical centres, factories, hardware stores and contracting companies. As such, Vincent was given a life of privilege and possession, and he was never left wanting for anything, except the possibility of a loving family. Vincent never knew his mother. She was one of his father's many wives, and after his birth, left the family and did not return. None of Mr. Stentz's other wives had children, and Vincent's father was often away, leaving his son in the care of a cycle of caregivers. In fact, the only time Vincent ever spent with his father was during his lessons in business and entrepreneurship. Vincent found his only companionship in the classroom of a highly-esteemed private school. His classmates had ripped him from a sheltered life, introducing him to delinquency. His teenage years were spent on the street among drugs, sex and alcohol, and some minor crime, though his connections always saved him from consequence. This time helped him develop independence and perspective, and he carried those perspectives through to adulthood. Presently, Vincent seeks to establish further lucrative connections, both legal and otherwise, while simultaneously undermining his father to usurp his position as head of the Stentz family. But one fact weighs heavily than all others: Vincent's life has become dreadfully boring.