As Wendy heard that the carrier had been neutralized, she sighed before hearing the next order to surrender? It was very surprising considering the situation they were in. Surrendering at this point would mean death, imprisonment, or even both. The lobby. Everyone else was at a different location than she was and here the Canuck was, barreling down a street in Copenhagen all by her lonesome with the police on her tail. This wasn't going to end well. The decision for her to turn around was an internal struggle most definitely, but in the end she had to rejoin her comrades. She did not want to be isolated. But before she made the decision to turn around, a car unexpectedly pulled out in front of her and caused her to swerve, turning straight into a closed store and plunging the car into the gate. Wendy was knocked out almost immediately. By the time she came to, she could see the flashes of red and footsteps coming closer to her vehicle. They were rapidly approaching, and Wendy was too far into the store to escape. The car was a ragged mess. There was no escape. Wendy had to surrender. She couldn't even reach for her pistol for one last stand. Her legs were stuck and she couldn't feel them just yet. The police got to her, weapons pointed at her as she was told in heavily accented English to put her hands up. Mere minutes ago she wouldn't imagine herself in a situation like that but now here she was. She raised her hands as high as she could, knowing that she was in a bad situation and injured from the car crash.