Adria was the first to take-up Tenna's hospitality after Mutan, "Coffee with thick cream, three sugars. Two lightly fried-eggs, over-easy; bacon on the side with three flapjacks. If you've got any maple syrup to go with some butter that'd be nice." She managed to drum out her artery-clogging full English breakfast as though it were something on her bucket-list. "Uh, I wouldn't want to trouble you [i]too[/i] much under my account--" Isaac was interrupted when an anonymous-boot kicked him in the shin, "two hard biscuits with sausage and gravy, bowl of buttered grits with maple syrup, and a glass of orange juice." Isaac for once was a bit at a loss for words, not really sure of what limits the kitchen had, he fell-back onto something simple in his haste to stop talking. Mortimer nodded when he was sure the other two were done, "The usual of course, Tenna. Hot tea with a side of milk, and a ham and cheese omelet." Mortimer didn't exactly approve of Mutan's habbits, even though for now her treatments generally kept them from doing any lasting damage; his expression was that typical of a doctor watching a patient rebel against their precautions right in front of them. Mutan's parents weren't quite so uptight about a little lung-carcinogens, being recreational-smokers themselves; as evidenced by a small pile of stubs already smoldering like incense in an ashtray. Her father pulled up the manila-folder and decided to give them the preliminary-briefing: "[i]Colonel Brixton[/i] here has informed me that several convoys have gone missing from Starbase twenty-eight dash one; along with their ships and crew. I believe Doctor Knell is still aware of its proximity to a pirate-base. It would be a good idea to see if this was an inside-job, what was hoped to be accomplished, and if at all possible to salvage what you can from the errant convoy. Also, if you could find the pirate-base anddisrupt their operations, that would be appreciated as well."