The lack of colour on this forum is disturbing. I demand it be fixed. [B]Sign up sheet 1 ~[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Alistair Julius Delacour. [B]Nickname/Title:[/B] Ali. Dr Jekyll. [B]Team Title:[/B] The Broken Pendulum. [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Age:[/B] 32. [B]Position:[/B] Asylum [B]Specialty:[/B] Sniffer. [B]Alchemic Style:[/B] Motem (primary). Sigillum (secondary) [B]Asylum Code:[/B] LV (55) printed onto his right cheek. [B]Weapons:[/B] The primary weapon of Alistair is a pink umbrella the same shade as his suit, a black metal shaft with a cream ivory handle known as [I]Piper[/I]. He often walks with it like a cane when it is not raining, striding along with the head of the umbrella clicking against the floor. Despite being made of a particularly sturdy metal, Piper does not possess any qualities particularly unusual or unique for an umbrella. Despite this it is still Alistair's primary weapon, using it to block and parry sword blows with ease. Beneath the left arm of his suit is a bracer, thin and flat leather straps that hold a mechanical device along the underside of his forearm. Styled with ivory and decorative silver, [I]Braise[/I] is a short barreled firearm that fires a small calibre shot. While pretty to look at, Braise is useless in the hands of a non-alchemist. It does not contain the mechanisms to produce a spark and is capable of firing only one shot before having to be reloaded, technically. Alistair’s alchemy specialisation can mitigate these issues, allowing a constant flow of bullets into the weapon and enough force to produce a spark and fire it, thus allowing a consistent rate of fire with minimal effort. [B]Alchemy specialization:[/B] [I]Access to the Pocket Dimension[/I]. The ability to locate the pockets that close gaps between worlds is a rare skill. Even rarer for one to be able to draw something from it. Alistair delves into the gaps between worlds and is capable of drawing small objects from them at a whim. [B]Appearance:[/B] Tall and lanky, Alistair stands over six feet tall and is so out of proportion that he may as well be a cartoon. His limbs are long and thin with bony joints that seem to be in all the wrong places. Yet he manages to command a surprising degree of grace over his clumsy frame, looking far more dignified than most would. His skin, naturally pale from years out of the sun, helps to define his angular features and give him an appearance long beyond his years. A pair of grey, silvery eyes peer out from behind the light blonde locks that spill from the top of his head, brushed neat and kept tidy but a little too long to be entirely successful. His jawline is, usually, kept closely shaven. The styles of a gentleman gone mad, Alistair is no stranger to standing out in the crowd. His attire consists of a three piece suit, although not in the blacks or browns of common businessmen. Oh no. While his dress shirt may be a pristine white and his tie may be scarlet red his blazer, waistcoat and trousers are a striking pastel pink. His shoes and leather belt are a dark black, rather unremarkable in a sense although the outsole of his shoes matches the pink of his suit. His pocket square is a bright red, the same colour as his tie. [B]Personality:[/B] Alisair takes after his father. His father, his progenitor and tutor, was an eccentric man with far more money than sense and a taste for the bizarre. Funded by his vast wealth, his father’s expeditions into the unknown and antics on stage were legendary and always kicked up a storm. Alistair has spared no expense copying the man to the letter in his ambitions and habits. He is a complicated menagerie of spontaneity, ridiculousness, upper class habits and on rare occasions even his intelligence begins to show. Most will learn quickly that the first three are far more prominent features of his. Alistair remains light-hearted and cheerful through the worst of times, rarely ever falling past a state of quiet sardonicism and always keeping up his almost regal sense of charm. It is this flamboyant, larger than life nature that makes him what he truly is. Alistair is a natural born showman, eager to take on the world and give it its most exciting performance yet with nothing more than Piper and Braise by his side and the entire world in his pocket. [B]Sign up sheet 2 ~[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Vail Veronica Hyson [B]Nickname/Title:[/B] Pet. Miss Hyde. [B]Team Title:[/B] The Broken Pendulum. [B]Gender:[/B] Female. [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Position:[/B] Asylum [B]Specialty:[/B] Silencer. [B]Alchemic Style:[/B] Motem (primary). Vocem (secondary) [B]Asylum Code:[/B] LX (60) printed onto her left cheek. [B]Weapons:[/B] [I]Henry and Eddie[/I] are weapons that most can use but few can master. They are gauntlets of iron and steel, wrapping tightly around Vail’s hands and ensuring that every swing she makes will have twice the impact through the use of a series of surprisingly complex pistols and joints. While both grey Henry, the left gauntlet, has a royal blue stripe painted along the knuckle and Eddie, the right gauntlet, has the same but in a scarlet red. While the fingers are thick and clumsy and the weapons themselves are uncomfortably heavy they provide Vail with great strength and, with a little bit of preparation beforehand, can be modified to apply various effects on impact. One of Vail’s personal favourite is a pressurised anti-alchemical substance which can be propelled in an aerosol form, weakening any who breathe in the substance. [B]Alchemy specialization:[/B] [I]Physical enhancement[/I], specifically in the realms of speed and strength. Vail can, through the use of her alchemy, push her body to peak human condition and occasionally beyond the realms of normal human limits, turning her body into a weapon of its own. [B]Appearance:[/B] Vail is a being composed of very lightly tanned skin, once incredibly pale, wrapped around a tall, well curved and surprisingly muscular figure. Thick black locks fall from the top of her head which would fall down to her elbows and lower back if it were not tied back, held up in a neat bun to keep it all out of her eyes. Both of which are a pale olive, flecked with grey. A few lighter shades streak through Antea's hair such as strands of bright orange hair that fall from her head amongst the black, quite obviously dyed such a colour. With a life of falling into trouble she is not without a few scrapes and bumps from previous encounters, mostly on her chest where she’s had to have a few operations to fix broken ribs. Despite this her features are, for the most part, soft and subtle unlike the angular features of her companion. Not necessarily pretty but charming in a sense. Most often seen with thick boots for walking wrapped around her feet, the rubber along the soles being worn and dented and the steel toe-caps damaged with what look as if they could be teeth marks, Vail’s clothing has an air of rugged practicality to it. One of the shoe laces is a brilliant bright white, her attempt at finding a suitable replacement lace. Thee-quarter-length black jeans coil around her legs reaching to just above where her boots end, the cuffs frayed and the knees scratched. The jeans were once torn just above her right knee, which has been “temporarily” (Vail's word for permanently) covered by tying a large orange bandanna around it. A plain dark grey shirt with a v-neck covers her torso, a faded white logo across the chest, and a deep black jacket is worn above it. The left arm which would have gone right down to her wrist has been completely torn off, the stitching frayed and torn, with the edge of her shirt sleeve showing. [B]Personality:[/B] Have you ever found an issue you couldn’t solve with brute force? A situation that didn’t warrant a few punches, a kick and a huge lack of self-control? Vail hasn’t. One could easily describe Vail as childlike. She has a voracious appetite for the unknown, fuelled by curiousity and an immature wonder that most have long since abandoned. The world is her playground, the people her pawns and life a game that she would like nothing more than to play. Her excitement and enthusiasm are enlightening, even to Alistair who will admit that he has a soft spot for her antics. Vail is emotionally driven and easily twisted by the moment, and while her happiness is often in abundance it can easily turn. At her worst she can be angry, selfish, aggressive (arguably a good trait in Alistair’s mind) and spiteful. She can only be described as unpredictable, a loose cannon that struggles to be put under control.