Although Rowena had set her mind to go to bed early for the first day of school, she was all nerves and couldn't manage to fall asleep. Rowena stared across the room for a moment at the empty bed. It was kind of lame, but having sentient company in the room, even if it wasn't very [i]interesting[/i] sentient company would have comforted Rowena a little bit. Rowena added getting a pet to her mental checklist. Sebastian had been gone for about an hour and a half now, he mentioned going to Luz's bakery. Rowena hoped that he wouldn't bring her back to the dorm though,she seemed nice, and they were a completely adorable together, but if anything happened, all first impressions would be disregarded, and she would NEVER get to to sleep. Rowena sighed to herself and rolled onto her back while blowing a pesky piece of hair out of her face. 1 sheep...2 sheep...3 sheep...