Raising an eyebrow as she answered his question, he ignored the reaction of the students. Turning around to face the blackboard, Karl picked up the piece of chalk again. [color=007236] Right you are, well almost...[/color] Without turning towards them he continued. [color=007236]In my class you'll only need an open mind and the occasional notepad if you hear anything you deem important to remember.[/color] While writing her answers on the board [color=007236]There will also be no written tests in my class, due to it's abstract nature.[/color] Absorbed by the lecture he recites he appears to be ignorant of the students. [color=007236]On the other hand my grading will similarly abstract. But I digress.[/color] Facing his students again, he barely managed to hid his amazement at the general consensus of the class under a statement [color=007236]You aren't in high school anymore, are you? This much is shouldn't shock you...[/color] He barred with an X the [b]shocked[/b] word on the board. [color=007236]Now, back to you...umm...Pajama girl. While it is true that there were a lot of people [b]shocked[/b][/color] emphasizing the word [color=007236]It was more of a general feeling, everyone felt it for different reasons. So it doesn't fit[/color] Underlining the next word. [color=007236][b]Confused [/b] risked to fall in the same category ,as the last, because of me. But if we strictly refer to the effect of the word, it passes. People confused about what the word means, why some people reacted like they did or even why was such a term used by a teacher. [/color] Underlining the last word [color=007236]This also was close to fall in the gray, but due to a certain purity some of you still detain even thou you know what that term meant, it passes. So we have a group of [b]ashamed [/b]people. Now, last but not least the third group was the one formed by the ones [b]amused[/b], either by the word being used, or by the reactions it drew out.[/color] he laid down the chalk and clapped his hands to shake off any excess dust. As if breaking a spell the class that became still over the last few minutes started to rustle. [color=007236]One last thing, as I previously said, this class is quite abstract in nature, so feel free to question my statements. That is if you have a pertinent reason.[/color]