[Hider=Nabil Valley][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jWiLkIl.jpg[/img] [h3][i][b] “I[/b]t’s kinda like talking to a wall isn’t it. Seeing as I give no fucks.”[/i][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Nabil "The Calm" Valley [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5’9” / 142lbs [b]Age:[/b] 18 [hider=Personality] The alias “The Calm” was given to Nabil due to his infallible ability to seem un-phased by most antagonist. Some assume that he hides an intelligence behind this composed wall. Those are lies. He is as smart as the next man, maybe a bit more so, but that’s mainly due to his innate caution. He knows when to shut his mouth and when to speak out against others. In that aspect, he travels in a gray area. Where one person’s reality is not his own, but instead an adjacent to what could have been. In other words, he attempts to empathize with others. His love for the sea is directly tied to his extensive love for freedom, which contradicts his abnormal caution.[/hider] [b]Home Island/Sea:[/b] Provestal Island. [hider=History] The son of two Marines, it was very unlikely that Nabil would later become a pirate. In fact, his parent’s loving nature left little to be desired. When the two were deployed, expecting to be gone for several years, he was sent to live with distant relatives on Provestal Island. A quaint, small place where a unnerving calm saturated the air. On the island he explored the deep woods that surrounded the small town. Finding interest in the giant wild life and floral. He couldn’t understand it for the longest, unwilling to show his ignorance he would remain that way for several months. When he finally asked his aunt and cousin, they explained that the oxygen levels on the island was abnormally high. He took those words to face value and continued finish his breakfast, a rather calm fascination now inside of him. By the age of thirteen, Nabil had seemingly become the living force of Provestal Isle’s calm. Though many had resided on the isle, not many could match his level of tranquil. When others were too afraid to enter the force, he would walk through the greenery, alongside the giant beasts, and gaze at the crater in its center. Every day he returned there, he felt the urge to delve inside grow stronger. It was like the sound of the careening waterfall hitting the dark bottom was a calling card. It beckoned for him to adventure below but caution staid his descent. At the age of fifteen, Provestal Isle was visited by a band of pirates. They washed ashore on a broken and shattered boat, the captain deeply worried about his crew. The island offered them shelter for three nights. Those three nights were filled with stories of stormy adventures and fanciful tales of the unnatural. Needless to say, Nabil was enticed by them. On the fourth night, the Marines surrounded the isle with a fleet of ranked officers. The Pirate Captain, who expressed his desire to not tangle the island up in his affairs had decided to give himself up. He left with his crew moments later. An hour had peacefully passed before cannon fire had begun to rain down. A scarce group of the pirates returned in tears, warning that the marines was going to kill them all, despite their surrender. Behind them, the marines trampled forward. Nabil and his cousin, along with others, were told to retreat to the forest. To let the beasts protect them as a last resort. As Nabil guided his cousin to the crater, he could hear the cries of villagers as some of the beasts prowled on them. Dark smoke soon billowed from the tree line, orange heat lined its treetops. Nabil believed his cousin and himself to be safe. That was until canon fire came dangerously close to them. Fear led him to trying to convince his cousin to dive into the crater with him; the promise of water below was not enough though. The boy, who was supposed to jump on three with him, had stayed on top, where canon fire had seared his face and tossed him out of sight. At the bottom of the cavern spring, Nabil immediately swore vengeance on the Marines. He followed the water to the mouth of the island, one that led out into the ocean. Once he returned back to the shore, he witnessed the pirate captain shackled and ready to be inhumanly executed. Nabil realized that the majority of the Marines had left during his long stay in the cavern and that only a few was left. He would have heroically saved the guy, if he had been so afraid. He was shot several times in the head before finally being left alone. Nabil waited until nightfall, when the sea was quiet and empty till he finally approached. The captain was dead but the beach was littered with members of his crew. As Nabil walked through, a bloodied hand grabbed him and instructed, with vexation in his voice, to avenge them. With that in mind, he told Nabil the location of a treasure near the inn in the village. The village was burned to the ground and Nabil had all but given up hope on finding anyone alive. They all had bullets in them, one for each alive he figured. Once to the treasure chest, he found a fruit inside. He bit it after a bit of hesitance and after spitting it out, found out it was a devil fruit. He became a 10,000 degrees human. Years later and he had become a pirate, one hell bent on getting in the marines way. Usually his actions were small, intervening with rookie marines in small towns and allowing the escape of other pirates. Though recently he hijacked a marine ship and sailed it to Reverse Mountain.[/hider] [b]Devil Fruit:[/b] [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Atsu_Atsu_no_Mi] Atsu Atsu no Mi ([i]Hot Hot Fruit[/i])[/url] [b]Fighting style:[/b] Direct and brutish, Nabil fights in conjunction with his Hot Hot Fruit abilities. Landing searing blows and burning away those that stand in his way. He seems to know some form of martial arts, as he often lowers into a stance when fighting one on one. With all the potential of a Supenova. Nabil has the possibility to use Observation Haki, Arms Haki, and [i]Conquerors[/i] Haki. Though these have not been explored and largely unseen. He will need immense training to bring these out of himself. [hider=Techniques][center] [i]Atsu Atsu no Spears[/i] Nabil shapes the heat that fumes from his body into several needles. He launches these needles at the speed of a musket's bullet and pierces those he's up against. With a cold calculation, he uses this technique to take out mass armies of weaklings. Though fast and effective, it pretty easy to dodge if you're perceptive.[/center][/hider] [b]Ship Positions:[/b] - [b]Bounty:[/b] [img]http://i.stack.imgur.com/0mvFAm.gif[/img] 10,000,000 [/hider]