[@Shikaru] With a nod, Meruin agreed. It never did hurt to learn more. All knowledge gained was knowledge worth knowing. Reina had taught her that knowledge for the sake of knowledge was extreme and dangerous path, but similarly had also taught her than the danger can be curbed so long as one had a goal in mind. It was because of this that Meruin aimed to learn all she possibly could, but always reminded herself that there were things that she needed to learn and things she didn't. "Yes, similarly, I took [i]all[/i] of the magic classes. It's not as though I would be doing much else, in any case." Meruin looked at his Grimoire. "By deciphering old texts, do you mean your Grimoire?" The small mage raised a brow as her curiosity took hold. The fact that he had incomplete access to a family Grimoire meant that he could be lacking a core aspect of himself to do so. Of course, Grimoire's were fickle and complex creations, so Meruin was simply working on a conjucture.