Solenne smiled and nodded “you aren’t wrong there…” he laughed and placed a hand to her cheek “and I have something to ask you later tonight” his thumb rubbed gently across her cheekbone before looking to the growing line of customers that Delilah was having trouble with controlling “You go back to work before you give another reason for her to be angry at me” he winked and left, giving her a wave before quickly walking through the door of the cafe. Solenne furrowed his eyebrows together under the glare of the sun that was slowly lowering in the late afternoon. The vampire chewed his lip gently and continued walking through the town, knowing that he should head straight up town. -- That night -- The old vampire looked at the blonde in front of him. She bounced up and down, she had been listening to Solenne practice all night and was very excited about the night. The entire theater was filled to bursting point. The concert was only described as a ‘performance by a multi-talented artist and an accompanying band’ so the crowd was eclectic; metal heads rubbing shoulders with glamourous woman, punks next to suited men. Some people had figured out how and when Solenne performed and thus there were a few people wearing his merchandise, shirts with red print of the name Nocturnal. Solenne couldn’t help but smile. This was what he loved...making something for everyone. “Are you ready?” Marie called out. The vampire simply nodded and grinned, walking out on to the stage. The vampire stood at the center of the stage, people unsure of what to make of him. Some, those wearing his shirts, knew that had indeed picked correctly and squealed gently. The vampire took to the mic “welcome one and all” he smiled gently “to my show” he held his arm out gently as confused murmurs ran through the crowd about where the backing band was “or...should I” The crimson eyes of the vampire closed and his body blurred. Solenne’s body split in half, then half again, four exact replicas of the vampiric multi-instrumental artist stepped out from behind the one at the mic. The crowd took in a collective breath “I hope you enjoy”