[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/axVMoZ9.png[/img][/center] [sub]Hello, darlings. You can call me Dee, which is far from my real name but is pretty enough to use as an alias. I'm currently eighteen, a college student, and a magnificent procrastinator. Roleplaying is one of the hobbies that I have never been able to let go of and, well, that's why I'm here. There's not much more left to say other so let's get this show on the road![/sub] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/8dc9a320e3aa7adcae37964ada042e5a/tumblr_inline_nhcx24sKMD1reahq0.gif[/img] [b]RULES OR WHATEVER[/b] [list] [*] [sub]First and foremost, do not ever be afraid to talk to me. I'm an awkward girl, okay? No need to think that I'm some sort of intimidating grammar nazi.[/sub] [*] [sub]I don't like one-liners. I'll require at least a paragraph from my partners. You don't have to always match my length since I sometimes write a lot when I'm inspired.[/sub] [*] [sub]I am a fan of romance. I love it. I crave it. Especially in female-female scenarios. I love well written romance stories with a lot of angst that make me want to rip my heart out. Roleplay that with me. I will love you forever.[/sub] [*] [sub]Lots of what I write will be from limited research on the internet or my own limited knowledge. If I do something wrong, correct me. This is a learning experience! Oh, and English isn't my first language. I will make mistakes. Correct me. It's fine.[/sub] [*] [sub]I mostly only play females. Just saying. I might be convinced to play a male but it's not very likely.[/sub] [*] [sub]Uni is the worst. Inspiration is fickle. Emotions sometimes get in the way. There will be times when I won't be able to write up a reply and I am sorry. I will inform you beforehand and I ask that you give me time. I will do the same to you.[/sub] [*] [sub]Again, talk to me. Talking to the people you rp with, learning more about them, having fun with them... That's what roleplaying is about. I love making friends and my inbox is always open.[/sub] [*] [sub]This is, perhaps, the most important of all. Have fun. HAVE FUN. [i]HAVE FUN[/i].[/sub] [*] [sub]Forgot to mention this. I'm doing this on a first come first serve basis. If I'm already doing the plot with someone else, you can still pm me and we'll brainstorm a new plot together.[/sub] [/list] [sub]Alright? We're cool? Let's get onto the plots! And yes, most of their titles will be from Halsey's songs. Don't judge me I am trash.[/sub] [hider=Straight For The Castle] [b]Status:[/b] Closed [b]Pairing:[/b] FxF or FxM [b]Plot:[/b] Person A is the prince/princess of a small country. Their country isn't well known, as they have created an effective way of cutting themselves off of the world unless absolutely necessary. As such, when the country suffers from a violent rebel uprising lead by the Queen's brother, word about it never reached the news. Determined to protect the prince/princess, the royal court decided that sending them away to go into hiding while the civil war waged would be the best course of action. That's how A finds themselves on a private jet to a small town in the USA with two of the royal court's elite guards. They get enrolled into the local high school to pose as a normal transfer student until the war is over. Everything was going according to plan... At least until Person B, an aspiring journalist and blogger, finds out that A is actually a prince/princess. So now A must find out ways to keep B from blabbing to the world. To make matters worse, the royal court was losing in its battle and A's uncle has began his search for the prince/princess. [b]Notes:[/b] I would love to play B here.[/hider] [hider=Mouth Full Of White Lies] [b]Status:[/b] Open [b]Pairing:[/b] FxF or FxM [b]Plot:[/b] Person A's family move to an old house in a small town. A hates the house and can feel something wrong with it, but their parents wouldn't have it. They are then forced to pick a room that they'd claim as their own. While exploring the house, A comes upon a full-length mirror covered by a blanket in one of the rooms. As soon as A removes the blanket, they find another person staring back at them. That person is B. B tells A that they are a soul trapped inside the mirror by the previous owner of the house many decades ago. Intrigued by B, A chooses that to be their room. As time passed by, A and B grow closer - with A showing B about the technological advancements of the world and B telling A stories about the past. [b]Plot Twist maybe:[/b] A falls in love with B and asks B if there's a way to free them from the mirror. B tells A of a process where A has to place a set of clothes in front of the mirror, put their blood on the mirror, and mutter an ancient incantation. A thinks that this will set B free... And it does but at a price. A is now the person trapped in the mirror. [b]Notes:[/b] I wouldn't mind playing either. I got this idea from a comic I saw once. I forgot where and who made it. [/hider] [hider=Devoid Of Color] [b]Status:[/b] Closed [b]Pairing:[/b] FxF or FxM [b]Plot:[/b] Person A is an artist - either a writer, painter, musician, etc - suffering through a major block. They can't find the inspiration to continue their craft, despite being told countless of times that they have the potential to be great. They just can't get out of their rut. That is until they met Person B. B is everything A looks for in a partner and they're immediately enamored. Despite all of A's friends telling them that B is bad news, A still enters a relationship with B with renewed vigor in their craft. What A doesn't know is that B is a Leanan Sidhe - a muse that inspires artists while slowly taking their life force. [b]Notes:[/b] I'd love to play B. I was kind of thinking of involving a group of humans that know about the Leanan Sidhe that try to save A by attempting to kill B. Something like that. [/hider] [hider=Feelings That We Hide] [b]Status:[/b] Closed [b]Pairing:[/b] FxF [b]Plot:[/b] Person A is a Youtuber/actress/whatever. With the rise of LGBT+ pride, A's manager asks her to participate in the hype by pretending to date another girl thinking that it would boost A's popularity. Having been convinced that it could work, A asks a close friend, Person B, to pretend to be their girlfriend. B accepts, albeit hesitantly because she has always had hidden feelings for A. They act all cutesy together and people online have began to ask when they're getting married. At the same time, some speculators have risen up asking if their relationship is real. One thing lead to another and A's manager convinces them to get married and now they have to keep up the ruse. [b]Notes:[/b] idk. Not really well thought out but ugh. I just want to play it. [/hider] [hider=I'll Be Miles Away] [b]Status:[/b] Closed [b]Pairing:[/b] FxF or FxM [b]Plot:[/b] Character A and Character B are from different schools - possibly from different sides of the world - but they soon find themselves connected through a project. A penpal project. They both have to send letters to each other. [b]Notes:[/b] Okay, honestly? I just wanna do something fluffy. Some slice of life and what not. Maybe we can brainstorm on this idea together. [/hider] [hider=Would It Really Kill You If We Kissed] [b]Status:[/b] Open [b]Pairing:[/b] FxFxF [b]Plot:[/b] Character A is Character C's best friend. Character B is Character C's girlfriend. Wanting the two people most important in her life to get along, C introduces A and B. But something goes horribly wrong. A and B find themselves undeniably attracted to one another, but it's not something they can act on. Right? [b]Notes:[/b] A 1x1x1? Not sure. Or it could just be that C is a NPC. Idk. Talk to me about this. [/hider] [hider=Wouldn't Let You Complete Me] [b]Status:[/b] Open [b]Pairing:[/b] FxF or FxM [b]Plot:[/b] Character A is convinced by their friends to befriend Character B and try to get them to sleep with them within the next month but as they begin to become closer, A can feel feelings growing for B; A in turn wants to call the bet off with their friends, but cannot. [b]Notes:[/b] [url=http://dear-indies.tumblr.com/post/70949533301/wallflxwers-aus-that-i-still-really-would-like]From this[/url]. I'm a sucker for plots like this. Could be in a high school or college setting... Might even be possible for a coworkers kind of plot, hm? [/hider] [hider=Who Is In Control] [b]Status:[/b] Closed [b]Pairing:[/b] FxF [b]Plot:[/b] [i]In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they’ll meet their soulmate[/i] Character A vehemently hates the idea of something deciding who she'll be with for the rest of her life and has done what a number of rebels took to doing. She constantly covered the numbers on her wrists, never even daring to peek underneath. One day, she meets Character B whose wrists show the numbers 00:00:00. B, seeing the band on A's wrist, tells her that she had already found her soulmate. They strike up an easy friendship afterwards, and A finds herself falling for B. She begins to hate the numbers on their wrists even more since it means that no matter what, she doesn't have a chance with B. [b]Notes:[/b] But then B turns out to be A's soulmate and they live happily ever after... ... Or B could actually really have a soulmate already but is also falling in love with A. [/hider]