[hider=Enter M A R X O ][center][b][h2][color=blue]Marxo St. Laurant[/color][/h2][/b] [color=blue][i]Appearance[/i][/color]: [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/s0wqza.jpg[/IMG] [color=blue][i]Height/Weight[/i][/color]: 6’1, 160lbs [color=blue][i]Age[/i][/color]:19 [color=blue][i]Personality[/i][/color]: Marxo is quite calm and collected. He tends to speak in a very collective manner. Even in dire situation, he is always the one to keep his cool. He thinks it would better help the situation if he acts this way. It is often hard to make him made but not impossible. The most two major things that upset him are being turned down by females and running out of smokes. Other than that he remains almost monotone, from his voice, personality, and mindset. His persona is due to his past. Its almost like he has a split personality . His other half is a maniacal , senseless man with no disregard to human kind. His only interest in that time is seeing everything colored red with the blood of this enemies. [color=blue][i]Home Island/Sea[/i][/color]: St Laurants’ Isle,South Blue [color=blue][i]History[/i][/color]: Marxo was born in the East Blue . His family had traveled to the South almost immediately after he was born. They settled on a deserted island and used the wildlife to live off of. His mother happened to be a master chef but not one of legend and lore. His father on the other hand was a hunter so this made the couple well adept to their surrounding. Within the first three years of Marxo’s life his parents had already tamed the island and renamed the newly cultivated place St. Laurant’s isle after his family. At 7 he was taught how to hunt alongside his father. it seem to come naturally to the boy. his first catch was a friendly panda shark whom his father told him to release back into the sea. After all his mother had no use for such meat. At the age of 14 ,he met his first neighbors. They had also traveled from an island off in the distance. From first sight they seemed like nice people, but eventually more unwelcomes began to turn up. Marxo saw this as a good thing but his parents knew better. They decided to establish a hierarchy with Marxo’s family heading the pack. This was agreeable since they were the first one aboard the island, but one family had different plans. They wanted the St. Laurant’s lifestyle , or better yet their lives. So one day the cooked up a scheme to take out this new head family. Since the St. Laurants’ did all of the hunting and cooking the other family decided that taking the load off of them for a day would be the best way to trick the family. It seemed like a convenience to Marxo and his family so they gladly accepted the invitation. The other would hunt and prepare a monstrous feast for the now,small village and the heads of the village but inside of the meals that they could would be either sleeping or paralyzing powder. On the night Marxo was turning 15 . He could never forget this night. It would be forever burned into his mind. His parents had been gutted like fishes in front of his very eyes. They had received the sleeping powder while he the paralyzing one. He knew they never stood a chance but he begged and pleaded with the other family. They just smiled and kept cutting till his parents resembled carved turkey. He knew he’d be next. Just as they made their way towards him , the powder began to wear off. He could feel the blood rushing in his hands, then to his arms , and legs. Next came the pain. Tears swelled up in his eyes , as he continued to play helpless. As soon as the family made its move he’d destroy them. The father began to untie his hands. The moment he felt free he took the chair his was once sitting in and slammed it across the man’s face. He then picked up a piece of broken wood the chair and ran it like a dagger straight thru his heart. He stared at the other two women with soul-less eyes. [color=blue]“Your next.”,[/color] he exclaimed as he rushed towards them both with the same piece of wood he’d taken the man out with previously. He stabbed the women repeatedly until he was satisfied and passed out from exhaustion. A few hours later he awoke to find himself on a slave tradeship, along with his fellow neighbors. The boat was headed for the east blue. He would spend the next 2 years as a cook aboard a floating restaurant in the sea until his killer mentality got the best of him and he slayed the entire crew. Before deserting the emptied cafe he’d stumbled upon an odd fruit. Upon eating the fruit his body began to turn into shadows. He later came to find out it was the “Yami Yami no Mi” fruit. For the next two years he trained and study everything he could find about the fruit .He truly wants to learn how to fully control the fruit and manipulate it to help him become a pirate. [color=blue][i]Fruit[/i][/color]: Moa Moa no Mi: The Moa Moa no Mi is a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of any object they touch. More More Sanjubai Giri (モアモア百倍斬り Moa Moa Hyaku-bai Giri, literally meaning "More More Thirtyfold Slash"): enlarges a scythe to 30 times its original size while it's flying towards his opponent. More More Jubai Soku (モアモア十倍速 Moa Moa Jū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Tenfold Speed"): increases speed to 10 times original speed, More More Sanjubai Soku (モアモア三十倍速 Moa Moa Sanjū-bai Soku, literally meaning "More More Thityfold Speed"): increases his speed to 30 times his original speed. [color=blue][i]Fighting style[/i][/color]: Jeet Kune Do(Wing Chun)- not fixed or patterned, and is a philosophy with guiding thoughts. It was named for the Wing Chun concept of interception or attacking while one's opponent is about to attack. Jeet Kune Do practitioners believe in minimal movements with maximum effects and extreme speed. The system works by using different "tools" for different situations, where the situations are divided into ranges, which are kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling, where martial artists use techniques to flow smoothly between them. Ship Position: Tba. Bounty:[img]http://i.stack.imgur.com/0mvFAm.gif[/img]5,000,000 -For the Death and Desecration of an Entire Island -Deaths of a Cook Captain and crewmembers. [/center][/hider]