[hider=Ahio] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/e5d7/f/2009/313/d/7/mercenary_swordsman_by_wuglord.jpg[/img] [color=#FF4500][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Ahio F. Pardol [color=#FF4500][b][u]Nickname(s):[/u][/b][/color] None currently(To be developed as he becomes more well known) [color=#FF4500][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] Male [color=#FF4500][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] 19 [color=#FF4500][b][u]Height:[/u][/b][/color] 175cm(5’9) [color=#FF4500][b][u]Weight:[/u][/b][/color] 91kg(201lbs) [color=#FF4500][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [i]“Not every step along the way has to be calculate, sometimes you just feel that the next step is the right step without thinking.”[/i] Ahio is not the kind of man who falters when it comes acting and likes to put himself at odds with everybody even if it means fighting the world. He likes the challenge of proving people wrong, of proving that he can do anything and everything There is not a single instance in his life where Ahio has been forced to give up his dream of becoming the single greatest swordsman in existence simply because he couldn’t win a battle. Losing is an option but for him, it is meant to be the last option and only preferable to death. He lives by the code that all swordsman from his homeland live by; a cut to one’s back is dishonorable if it is received by running away. Once his loyalty is earned, he can be the most trustworthy man there is. [color=#FF4500][b][u]Status:[/u][/b][/color] Location; unknown believed to be alive and well. [color=#FF4500][b][u]Home Island/Sea:[/u][/b][/color] Tagimusha Island, Island of Samurai, North Blue Sea [color=#FF4500][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] Ahio is the youngest son of Higara Pardol of Tagimusha Island and the only one to be trained by the man known for fighting with two swords. From the time Ahio was strong enough to life a wooden sword he was trained to live by the standards of his people. [i]“It is not the strength of the sword but the strength of the man wielding it which will determine the outcome of a battle.”[/i] For nearly twelve years these words were ingrained into Ahio by his father during training. His body and mind would lend strength to the blades he wields instead of relying on the strength of the blade to support him. A swordsman who relies on the blade is just as likely to fail as his steel is after using it too much. But, Ahio would not last long in his father’s care for old man Higara was dying and it would cause the greatest change in the young boys life. A few months before Ahio was to leave for the outside world, Higara died and gave him the greatest will the young man could ever receive. He came into possession of the Goro Goro no Mi which his father had received as payment a long time ago and was given his father’s swords, Jigon and Migurashi. Upon consuming the Goro Goro no Mi, Ahio became a man of lightning but has not quite developed the best control over his powers. Since then, he has arrived at an island near Reverse Mountain with hopes of setting off on an adventure to master his powers and become the greatest swordsman ever. [color=#FF4500][b][u]Fruit:[/u][/b][/color] Goro Goro no Mi, the Rumble-Rumble fruit. The Rumble fruit allows Ahio to become a lightning human, though he hasn’t quite begun to gain the control required to stay in his lightning form yet. Having only possessed the fruit for about two or three months, he is unsure of time span really, Ahio doesn’t quite possess the control to not cause massive damage to the surroundings and innocents around him properly. The longest Ahio has used his lightning form was thirteen minutes and even then it was unstable past ten minutes. Alternatively, he can turn his forearms into lightning and ‘throw’ blades of lightning. These blades travel around two to three meters with dissipating power after the first meter. [color=#FF4500][b][u]Fighting Style:[/u][/b][/color] Primary: Nitoryu, two-sword style •Two Sword Style: Pin Strike, Rather than using the full blade of his katanas, Ahio uses only the the tip of the blades to stab quickly as if using a rapier. •Two Sword Style: Bolt, Using the Goro Goro fruit in tandem with his katanas, Ahio circulates lightning into the metal of the blades and can launch it for about two feet. •Two Sword Style: Bull Charge, Ahio rushes towards his opponent with his blades set parallel to each other. Secondary: Goro Goro no Mi, Rumble- Rumble fruit •Rumble Rumble: Discharge(Hōshutsu), By focusing the powers of his rumble fruit into the tips of his swords or finger, Ahio can launch miniature bolts of lightning. •Rumble Rumble: Twenty Bolt Strike, By using his blades in conjunction with his lightning powers, Ahio can launch twenty lightning blade with ease. Though, this attack isn’t very strong as the charge put into each blade is generally very low. •Rumble Rumble: Thrown Lightning(Sōn shōmei), Ahio focuses his powers into his forearms and hands and ‘throws’ blades of lightning at the opponent. •Rumble Rumble: Lightning Blade, The Lightning blade is the pinnacle of Ahio’s current mastery of his powers. By assuming his state of lightning, Ahio can effectively be both a weapon and the fighter. In this state he forms two swords of lightning and use them as weapons instead of his actual blades. Ahio has used four lightning blades in his lightning form before but they drastically reduced his time in the form to five minutes. [color=#FF4500][b][u]Ship Position:[/u][/b][/color] Brawler [color=#FF4500][b][u]Bounty:[/u][/b][/color] 0 [/hider]