[center][i]Mission Start[/i][/center] With Violet gone to break Volk out from his cinderblock hotel, the remaining members of Midnight Squad could begin their own operation. In no time at all, Amber, Valin, and Akashi were on their way to the hospital. Though hardly the most law-biding of men, they made sure to adhere to proper traffic laws, for to seek unwanted attention by driving erratically or neglectfully would be most unwise. As far as congestion went, the streets were passable. Workers of all kinds were commuting for lunch, but not with out density to provide a major obstacle. In midday, the city of Vale hosted a certain lively bustle that might have even been nice if not for the carriage of malicious intent surging down the road. The hospital drew into sight. Their vehicle the agents left a half-block away from the actual area, for the sake of any future pursuit. Though this job constituted the first performed by Midnight Squad proper, none of its members were strangers to less-than-honest endeavors. Since the well-laid plan lay within them, there was no need to talk as they made the final stretch of the journey on foot. There, Amber and Akashi separated from their third. Just as the two infiltrators pushed through the front doors, the bus containing the class of the mayor's daughter rolled up, ready to disgorge its young passengers. Clearly, there was no time to hang around. [center][color=007FFF][b]Abel Fulgurate[/b][/color][/center] A nod came in reply to Krysanthe's affirmation. Abel followed quick on her heels, helping to shove another table into the massive and disfigured congregation already there. He pulled out a chair for his new friend before seating himself, not really thinking about it. When Shiro appeared from nowhere and visited a greeting dual parts wild and joyous upon Gren. Abel exhaled through his nose in short bursts—the extent of a somber man's laugh for an embarrassing teammate. While the guardian lauded Shiro for his enthusiasm, he nevertheless fretted that Shiro's excessive energy and impetuousness might cast his whole team in a bad light. Happiness and goofiness was all well and dandy, but Abel firmly knew that he would much rather be taken seriously. It would be a tricky path to both become Shiro's friend and avoid becoming as big a joke as he, but it was a path that Abel had sworn himself to. Like the others, he listened to Gren's plans and found them acceptable. He didn't think much about transportation, figuring that as Gren's teammate he'd be getting a ride, no fuss. Instead, Abel requested Krysanthe's sandwich order, chose one for himself, and went over to the counter to pay for and get them. The whole layout of the tables and chairs, about as orderly as one might expect from a bunch of teenagers, proved problematic for him; his size and long legs meant that he nearly tripped trying to extract himself from his seat. After gathering the sandwiches and thanking the cashier, he returned to the table and plopped down Krysanthe's in front of her. “Bon appetit,” he declared, figuring it to be something cool people said, and proceeded the labor of seating himself.