[Center][h3][b][color=0054a6]Squad 6 Characters[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [center] [Hider=Kurisa Kuchiki] [h2][b][color=f49ac2]Kurisa Kuchiki[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UGBdLRa.jpg[/img] //-Age-\\ Appears 27 //-Gender-\\ Male //-Height-\\ 6'0 //-Weight-\\ 64KG //-Hair Colour-\\ [color=49311c]Dark brown[/color] //-Eye Colour-\\ Left Eye - White Right Eye - Grey //-Birthday-\\ October 13th //-Clan/Family-\\ Kuchiki Clan //-Race-\\ Soul //-Profession-\\ Shinigami //-Rank-\\ Captain of Squad 6 //-Power Level-\\ Captain Power level //-Spiritual Energy Colour-\\ White [color=000000]Black in Bankai[/color] //-Personality-\\ Kurisa comes off as a calm and collected individual who is strict with his Squad and expects the best out of them, He is rarely shown to give off any real emotion and thus takes everything seemingly seriously. Whilst some believe Kurisa does have a caring side it is rarely shown, even to those in his family. Kurisa however is a resilient person who stands as strong as his pride, many have tried to bring Kurisa to his knees and yet he refuses to fall, his ability to fight is truly monstrous and for the model Shinigami he seemingly sets a good example of being that very model that most aspire to be. //-History-\\ Kurisa was born into the Kuchiki clan, although his branch of family were not so highly ranked within the clan and thus for a long time Kurisa was treated no differently to the others of his kind. This was until he showed the promise of a great warrior...this however didn't sit well with the elders who feared what would become of the clan if a being of lesser standing within the clan should rise to the top. However Kurisa's skill was undeniable, he was truly seen as a miracle by some of the clan due to his parents being nothing special, neither being a Shinigami at all and to produce such a strong child was unheard of. Kurisa soon caught the attention of the higher ups and if they had it their way Kurisa would have never gotten anywhere, yet the current head at the time overruled their decisions to restrict Kurisa to a life of mediocrity and instead took Kurisa under his wing to train personally. Kurisa was effectively accepted into a family of higher standing and spent his life training to one day assume the role as the Head of the Kuchiki clan. Although the current head was criticised for his decision he stood by it firmly as he had no children capable of assuming the role as the Head of the Kuchiki clan. While the current head did have two daughters, one of which who was around Kurisa's age and the other a few years younger. The one who was around Kurisa's age was far to gentle in nature and would never make it as the Head of the clan as she'd end up being used by the elders. As for the current heads youngest daughter, she was far to unruly and seemingly couldn't be tamed at all. She was unlike any other Kuchiki and showed signs of very odd characteristics which ranged from strong violence to being entirely mute...she never spoke a word at all. As time went on, Kurisa would eventually marry the current heads oldest daughter, due to the two being from different families within the Kuchiki clan this was acceptable, much to the displeasure of the elders of the clan...however as time went on Kurisa became respected amongst the elders and they grew to actually like him as he was indeed a good replacement for the current head when the time came...that and he also managed to tame the current heads youngest daughter who was now almost always seen with Kurisa or near him. Kurisa soon found himself as the Lieutenant of the 6th Division, working under the current Head of the Kuchiki clan. It was clear to the current head that Kurisa was ready to assume the Captain position as he'd already attained a Bankai and in a very short time which was truly impressive. Seeing this made the current head certain he'd be leaving both the Squad and clan in good hands as he had put off going to the Zero Division until Kurisa was ready, which thankfully hadn't taken to long. With the current head departing for the Soul palace, Kurisa assumed the role of Squad 6's Captain and the Head of the Kuchiki clan. Kurisa has since held this position for many, many years and has only grown stronger with time, solidifying his position as one of the strongest Captains of the current Gotei 13. //-Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings-\\ Takeshi Kuchiki - Takeshi is Kurisa's father who he often see's due to Takeshi being able to run a successful Tea shop thanks to the success of Kurisa Rin Kuchiki - Rin is Kurisa's mother who works alongside her husband Takeshi Kuchiki. The two run their Tea Shop together in the Seireitei Hana Kuchiki - Hana is Kurisa's Wife who stays at their manor and helps look after the place. Shizuka Kuchiki - Shizuka is Kurisa's Step sister and the younger sister of Hana. She is seen often working alongside Kurisa and is also his Lieutenant although she has no real authority, she does bring another level of fear and order to both the Squad members and Prisoners. //-Other-\\ Kurisa is always seen wearing his signature mask with a white cross on it. He also wears an expensive white scarf as a sign of his nobility [h2][b]~Zanpakuto~[/b][/h2] //-Zanpakuto name-\\ Sanran Hanatsuki //-Type-\\ Unknown & Kido //-Zanpakuto Shikai Release command-\\ "Fall, Sanran Hanatsuki" //-Zanpakuto Bankai Release command-\\ "Ban-Kai. Sanran Hanatsuki" //-Spirit Appearance-\\ [Hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/eoiP2Zf.jpg[/img][/hider] //-Inner world-\\ Kurisa's inner world is literally an endless field of white petal flowers and tree's, however these petals turn Black when his bankai is activated. //-Sealed appearance-\\ [Hider=Sealed][img]http://i.imgur.com/4eSpPFz.jpg[/img][/hider] //-Shikai appearance-\\ Same as sealed //-Bankai appearance-\\ Same as sealed however the entire blade turns black //-Shikai skills-\\ (Note: Due to Kurisa's Zanpakuto being heavily versatile you may see some moves that are not listed. The ones listed below are the main skills Kurisa is usually known to use) 1 - Kurisa's Zanpakuto blade will begin to glow a bright white as it disperses into many petals as 6 large white mirrors appear behind him, the mirrors will then glow brightly before scattering into thousands of white petals that are as sharp as a Zanpakuto. This form is the main form of Kurisa's Shikai and is incredibly versatile. Kurisa's Zanpakuto will then reform in his hand due to Kurisa allocating some his petals to do so. 2 - Kurisa has the ability to reform his mirrors from his petals, this allows Kurisa to do many things however what it does with this skill is form a mirror capable of absorbing an oncoming attack before redirecting it with another mirror. This skill is also combined with Kido (Cool down of 5 posts) 3 - Kurisa will use his mastered Ability of Shunpo in conjunction with his Zanpakutos aspect of Kido. Doing this will allow him to create a clone that will explode violently when attacked however this clone will either explode with some form of Kido or explode into many petals that will cut the opponent violently (Cool down of 5 posts) 4 - Kurisa's petals will all rise to the sky as he then raises his Zanpakuto to the sky, the petals will combine themselves to form a large sword in the shape of Kurisa's sword, Kurisa will then slash down towards his target which will then bring down the large sword on the opponent and if it were to make contact would likely crush and severely cut the opponent, however should an opponent evade this skill there is still the matter of avoiding the violent shockwave produced by this skill (Cool down of 6 posts) 5 - Kurisa will extend his free palm towards the opponent as many petals rush to his palm to form a ball of petals that continue to move, Kurisa will then release the petals as they fly towards the opponent with great speed and power in a torrent. This move will leave the opponent severely wounded should they take a hit from it (Cool down of 5 posts) 6 - Kurisa's Zanpakuto will begin to glow brightly as he then slashes towards an opponent releasing a thick white Kido rope that moves at great speed, this will then wrap around the opponents body or a limb, holding the opponent in place as spikes from the inside of the rope pierce the opponent to further hold them in place. This Kido is very strong and so long as it keeps an attachment to Kurisa's Zanpakuto it will continue to grow stronger making it hard to break out of. Yet this Special Kido is simply used to hold Kurisa's target in place as his petals finish them off (Duration from 1 to 4 posts. Cool down of 6 posts.) 7 - Kurisa will raise his Zanpakuto into the air as his petals black out the sky above him and his opponent, he will then slash down as the petals come down with great speed in a vortex like shape to crush and shred the opponents body. This attack hitting the ground alone releases a powerful shockwave capable of throwing even the strongest of opponents back (Cool down of 7 posts) 8 - TBR //-Bankai skill-\\ (All Shikai skills become stronger and faster as well as changing their colour to black) 1 - Upon activating his Bankai the already existing petals will fade away, from this an almost endless hall of black mirrors will form before scattering into millions of black petals that move faster than their previous counter parts as well as being stronger. If Kurisa guides these petals with his hands they will move even faster. 2 - Kurisa's petals will rise above his opponent and then proceed to attack the opponent in thin and flexible spikes formed of many black petals, these will strike from all around yet their purpose is not to pierce the opponent, although the attempt is there. This will force the opponent into a tight situation where they find themselves surrounded by petals as they form a sphere around the opponent before closing in on them to crush and cut the opponent (Cool down of 8 posts) 3 - TBR 4 - TBR 5 - TBR 6 - TBR //-Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills-\\ [h2][b]~Skills~[/b][/h2] //-Zanjutsu-\\ [Hider=Zanjutsu]Hozuri Shitonegaeshi Hozan Kenbu Ryodan Senmaioroshi Suikawari Agitowari Onibi Hitotsume: Nadegiri [/hider] //-Kido-\\ -Bakudo- [Hider=Bakudo] #1 Sai #4 Hainawa #8 Seki #9 Geki #9 Horin #11 Kyomon #12 Fushibi #20 Hakufuku #21 Sekienton #22 Inemuri #26 Kyokko #27 Tanma Otoshi #28 Shibireyubi #30 Shitotsu Sansen #37 Tsuriboshi #39 Enkosen #58 Kakushitsuijaku #61 Rikujokoro #62 Hyapporankan #63 Sajo Sabaku #65 El Escudo #73 Tozansho #75 Gochutekkan #76 Hako Okuri #77 Tenteikura #78 Hakudan Keppeki #81 Danku #83 Standing Ovation #84 Millon Escudo #96 Kyujurokkei Kakafumetsu #97 Fusatsu Kakei #98 Shiso Kekkai #99 Pt.1 Kin #99 Pt.2 Bankin [/hider] -Hado- [hider=Hado]#1 Sho #4 Byakurai #11 Tsuzuri Raiden #31 Shakkaho #32 Okasen #33 Sokatsui #34 Kongobaku #40 Gaki Rekko #54 Haien #58 Tenran #63 Raikoho #73 Soren Sokatsui #88 Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho #90 Kurohitsugi #91 Senju Koten Taiho #92 Hyoga Seiran[/hider] //-Seals, Barriers, Uncategorised and Kaido-\\ [Hider=Seals]Goyogai Sentan Hakuja Noren Mekuri[/hider] //-Hakuda-\\ [Hider=Hakuda]Tessho Super Harisen Slipper Tsukiyubi Chohigezutsuki Kazaguruma Panchira Torunedo Gatoringu Jidanda Sandobaggu Bito Kagamibiraki Oni Dekopin[/hider] //-Hoho-\\ [hider=Hoho]Shunpo Senka Speed Clones Utsusemi [/hider] //-Total points gained-\\ //-Total Points Spent-\\ //-Mission log-\\ //-Points spent and skills gained-\\[/hider] [/center] [center] [Hider=Shizuka Kuchiki] [h2][b][color=90EE90]Shizuka Kuchiki[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/eEEGqaM.png?1[/img] //-Age-\\ Appears 20 //-Gender-\\ Female //-Height-\\ 5'7 //-Weight-\\ 47KG //-Hair Colour-\\ [Color=90EE90]Light green[/color] //-Eye Colour-\\ [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] //-Birthday-\\ October 30th //-Clan/Family-\\ Kuchiki Clan //-Race-\\ Soul //-Profession-\\ Shinigami //-Rank-\\ One half of the Lieutenant of Squad 6 //-Power Level-\\ Lieutenant Power level //-Spiritual Energy Colour-\\ [color=90EE90]See through light green[/color][color=ed1c24] with red sparks of electric[/color] //-Personality-\\ Shizuka is a very silent character, she will rarely utter any words, even to those she is close to. Shizuka however is very much unlike other Kuchiki's, she is considered an embarrassment to the clan due to how she acts which is usually on the more psychotic side. She has shown to enjoy killing and making others suffer but this only adds to her scary personality. Shizuka is somewhat fond of Kurisa and as such has followed behind him and continues to do so //-History-\\ Shizuka was born into the Kuchiki clan, her father was the previous head of the Kuchiki clan, her older step brother (Kurisa Kuchiki) now leads the clan as it's new Head. Shizuka is the youngest of two sisters with her older Sister being married to Kurisa Kuchiki, however while normal sisters may be upset at this Shizuka was not...she was never really close to her family and didn't care much for them, in fact she never cared for Kurisa either. After hearing Kurisa had taken his place as the new Squad 6 Captain she knew what she wanted to do. Shizuka enlisted herself into the Shino Academy yet she wasn't there long as Kurisa had pulled her out of the Academy. He told her that she didn't need to attend the Academy and that he'd accept her into his Squad. This somewhat surprised Shizuka as she knew that Kurisa knew of her tendencies yet she went along with it, she found herself working very closely with Kurisa however she soon found her calling. Whilst Kurisa refused to kill those he viewed as trash, Shizuka had no problems with this as she got to do what she enjoyed...it was this that brought her closer to Kurisa. There were enemies Kurisa knew he had to kill but he couldn't do such a thing to someone he viewed as trash, he felt their blood would taint his Zanpakuto...however Shizuka felt their blood would feed hers. Since this time Shizuka has happily followed behind Kurisa and the two have been known to fight enemies together, creating a truly destructive team. Shizuka rose through the ranks quickly and soon became the Lieutenant yet Kurisa knew she wouldn't be able to handle the tasks of a normal Lieutenant, this lead him to make her one half of the Lieutenant of Squad 6...knowing he'd have to find an actually suitable Lieutenant. Yet despite Shizuka not being able to do all of her job as a Lieutenant she does add a certain feel to the Squad that keeps them in line...however her tendencies have earned her bad reputation with the Kuchiki clan as they disagree with her methods, if not for Kurisa, Shizuka would have been removed from the clan. It's unknown as to what Kurisa did to ensure she stayed but the elders haven't brought the situation up again... //-Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings-\\ Hana Kuchiki - Hana is Shizuka's older sister who she doesn't exactly get on with to well, or more she is distant to her Kurisa Kuchiki - Kurisa is Shizuka's step brother and husband to her older sister Hana. Shizuka is somewhat close to Kurisa and she enjoys spending her time around him and as it stands Kurisa is the person she is closest to. //-Other-\\ Shizuka, much like Kurisa wears her own version of a mask as well as some claw like gloves, she also has an eye patch over her left eye. Carries many copies of her sealed Zanpakuto (these cannot be used to summon her Shikai, only the original can) Kurisa can also seem to be able to tell what Shizuka is thinking and in battle the two seemingly work as one, all without speaking a word which further strengthens this tactic. [h2][b]~Zanpakuto~[/b][/h2] //-Zanpakuto name-\\ [b]ツコジンカ[/b] Tsukojinka //-Type-\\ Kido & Electric/Lightning //-Zanpakuto Shikai Release command-\\ "Hang and Reap, Tsukojinka" //-Zanpakuto Bankai Release command-\\ N/A //-Spirit Appearance-\\ [Hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/2OstymO.png[/img][/hider] //-Inner world-\\ [hider=Inner world][img]http://i.imgur.com/KBvQP7n.png[/img][/hider] //-Sealed appearance-\\ [Hider=Sealed][img]http://i.imgur.com/VaWTtd2.png[/img][/hider] //-Shikai appearance-\\ [Hider=Shikai]Same as Scythe in Spirit Appearance[/hider] //-Bankai appearance-\\ N/A //-Shikai skills-\\ 1 - ??? - The most basic ability of this Zanpakuto is that the user can coat the scythe blade in light green spiritual energy that can be launched at the opponent in many different ways such as: Arc's, A light green dragon of spiritual energy and so on. This also can be combined with electric or used with pure electric if she wishes. Since she can control the electric and spiritual energy she can freely manipulate it to be in any form she wishes. This will either cut the opponent (Spiritual energy), burn them (electric and/or spiritual energy) or temporarily paralyse them for a very short period of time. (Electric) Cool down: 3 posts. Stun effect only last 1 post. - Variation - The user has the ability to fire an odd and unique kido from their palm instead of their Shikai. The user aims a free palm at the opponent as a light green orb of energy forms, then red sparks begin to appear around it as they then fire the Kido at the opponent. The current speed and power of this skill is great but not as incredible as it could be. This is available even when the Zanpakuto is sealed (Cool down: 4) 2 - ??? - The user can coat the scythe blade in red lightning/electric that forms an alternating current rather than a direct current that flows in one direction only. This makes the blade far deadlier as the high frequency electric weakens the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, therefore increasing it's cutting potential. The user can however release a powerful arc of this electric that will severely cut the target and severely burn them. This must be done before 3 duration posts however. (Lasts up to 5 posts. Cool down: 4 posts) 3 - ??? - The user is capable of wrapping their body in electric for a short period of time. This increases their speed, durability and also greatly increases their Hakuda potential. However due to the risk of this skill the user does suffer burns from using it as they do not have such great control at the moment. (Lasts up to 4 posts. Cool down: 5 posts) 4 - ??? - Through the use of Kido and electric the user creates a clone of themselves that serves purely for the purpose of taking an otherwise risky hit or to simply distract the opponent. Once the clone is struck it will explode violently leaving the opponent with nasty burns and cuts (Lasts usually one post. Cool down: 5) 5 - ??? - The user's scythe will begin to glow light green as red sparks appear around it, the user will then begin to spin their scythe at the direction of an oncoming attack as a large dome of light green energy with red sparks of electric forms around the user and covers them from all directions. As of right now this skill only blocks the oncoming attack, if the attack is physical the opponent receives a shock that will leave them stunned for one post. (Duration: 1 post. Cool down: 5 6 - TBR 7 - TBR 8 - TBR //-Bankai skill-\\ 1 - TBR 2 - TBR 3 - TBR 4 - TBR 5 - TBR 6 - TBR //-Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills-\\ [h2][b]~Skills~[/b][/h2] //-Zanjutsu-\\ [Hider=Zanjutsu]Hozuri Shitonegaeshi Hozan Kenbu Ryodan Senmaioroshi Suikawari Agitowari Onibi Hitotsume: Nadegiri [/hider] //-Kido-\\ -Bakudo- [Hider=Bakudo] #1 Sai #4 Hainawa #8 Seki #9 Geki #9 Horin #11 Kyomon #12 Fushibi #20 Hakufuku #21 Sekienton #22 Inemuri #26 Kyokko #27 Tanma Otoshi #28 Shibireyubi #30 Shitotsu Sansen #37 Tsuriboshi #39 Enkosen #58 Kakushitsuijaku #61 Rikujokoro #62 Hyapporankan #63 Sajo Sabaku #65 El Escudo #73 Tozansho #75 Gochutekkan #76 Hako Okuri #77 Tenteikura #78 Hakudan Keppeki [/hider] -Hado- [hider=Hado]#1 Sho #4 Byakurai #11 Tsuzuri Raiden #31 Shakkaho #32 Okasen #33 Sokatsui #34 Kongobaku #40 Gaki Rekko #54 Haien #58 Tenran #63 Raikoho #73 Soren Sokatsui[/hider] //-Hakuda-\\ [Hider=Hakuda]Tessho Tsukiyubi Chohigezutsuki Kazaguruma Gatoringu Jidanda Sandobaggu Bito Kagamibiraki Oni Dekopin[/hider] //-Hoho-\\ [hider=Hoho]Shunpo Senka Speed Clones Utsusemi [/hider] //-Total points gained-\\ //-Total Points Spent-\\ //-Mission log-\\ //-Points spent and skills gained-\\[/hider] [/center] [center][h3][b][color=918151]Squad 7 Characters[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [center] [Hider=Kaizo] [h2][b][color=000000]Kaizo Kaguza[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/28mtXQS.jpg[/img] //-Age-\\ Appears 26 //-Gender-\\ Male //-Height-\\ 5'11 //-Weight-\\ 65KG //-Hair Colour-\\ [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] //-Eye Colour-\\ Grey //-Birthday-\\ March 17th //-Clan/Family-\\ Kaguza Family //-Race-\\ Soul //-Profession-\\ Shinigami //-Rank-\\ Captain of Squad 7 //-Power Level-\\ Captain power level //-Spiritual Energy Colour-\\ [color=000000]Black[/color] //-Personality-\\ Kaizo is a hard worker, he takes his job incredibly serious and will himself fulfill his Squads duties rather than sending out his Squad members to do all the work. Kaizo takes pride and pleasure in his job as the Captain of Squad 7 as he gets to work with something he holds close to him...the Rukongai district. Squad 7's duties involve patrolling the Rukongai and responding to disturbances and such...although the job doesn't sound like much it truly is...Kaizo requests great things from his Squad members as they need to be both physically and mentally strong to withstand seeing and dealing with the brutality of the Rukongai...despite his aggressive and rash nature he does have a caring side to him and isn't afraid to show this as it's this feeling that keeps him feeling human //-History-\\ Kaizo was abandoned as a baby by his mother who was in truth a worthless wreck, his mother sold her body for money and it wasn't exactly shocking considering they were from the 77th South District, this was all to common in these places...Kaizo was just another victim of this sickeningly common occurrence. Thankfully Kaizo was taken in by a family but this wasn't some fairy tail story, this was the shit side of the Rukongai...it was rare to find a family here and even when you did they were far from a model family. Kaizo was raised to steal food for this family, it was his debt that he had to repay due to being taken in...Kaizo would do as he was told but the family was filled with a bunch of misfits and children of all ages. Bullying was no stranger in this household, nor were the beatings they'd receive for failing to repay their debt to this family...Unfortunately it'd be the girls that got the worst of it as they were given food last and thus were ultimately to weak to carry out any duties which lead to their brutal beatings Kaizo despised the people that ran this family, it was a nightmare but it wasn't like they could get any better...it would be even worse on the streets but this never sat well with Kaizo, especially when the older boys would bully both the younger boys and even the girls and then there was the so called "father" who'd almost take pleasure in beating the children. Being a victim of this and seeing this scarred Kaizo and filled him with rage, he couldn't bare the sight of this, the sounds of the screaming and crying, the physical effects the beatings had taken on the children...Kaizo knew worse things went on in this place and it sickened him but he was far to weak to do anything about it which only added to his anger. As Kaizo grew up he grew close to a younger girl that had come in, he had taken her under his wing in order to try protect her so she wouldn't suffer the same fate as the other girls who were already lost causes...there was nothing he could do for them, but he wouldn't let the same happen to this girl. Kaizo had grown close to this girl and soon they developed a brother and sister like relationship and the two decided to give themselves their own second name...calling themselves the Kaguza family despite the two being the only ones of this new family. Yet despite Kaizo's best efforts he couldn't protect her, she would fall victim to the same beatings as the rest and god knows what else...seeing the state she would come back in caused his emotions to go all over the place...while he was furious he was also upset, seeing her in that state killed him inside...there was no pain like it, the beatings were nothing compared to the pain he felt on the inside...and having to hear the pain she'd go through over and over, to see her come back bruised and crying time and time again killed him more and more, Kaizo's very emotional state was growing wilder and wilder... It wasn't long before the effects of being starved, beaten and much worse caught up to his sister...she was bed ridden and suffering from all sorts of problems. Her body had grown weak to the point she could no longer move, as a result of this she fell victim to diseases that attacked her lungs and other organs...By this time Kaizo was nearing his teenage years and fearing for his sisters condition he decided to finally escape the prison he had been confined to, in the middle of the night Kaizo snuck out, taking his sister on his back as he sought help from someone of a medical profession...yet it was a hopeless effort, Kaizo hadn't gotten far before he was caught by the family...They surrounded the two like a pack of rabid wolves and literally tore the two apart from one another, Kaizo was beaten within an inch of his life and then he was made to watch something no one should have seen...the father of this family abused his sister before his eyes, all Kaizo could hear were the screams of pain, the sight of her face in pain. This sight destroyed Kaizo, he lost any shred of sanity and hope he had for this world...as he watched the father finish his act...Kaizo looked at his sisters now lifeless body as the father picked her up and tossed her body aside like garbage Seeing her body thrown like this broke Kaizo completely, something awoke within him...a voice spoke to him, telling Kaizo to entrust his body to this mysterious voice and in doing so it would ensure Kaizo got his revenge...without a second thought Kaizo entrusted his body, he wanted to see these people suffer, he wanted them die through sheer brutality! no mercy shown to the disgusting pieces of shit that destroyed the lives they touched with their filthy fucking hands! Kaizo found himself overflowing with power as he went into a blind rage and brutally murdered the people around him with his bare hands, the street soon turned red as Kaizo tore them apart with his bare hands...to this day Kaizo doesn't remember what fully happened...he remembers entering this state, proceeding to attack before everything going black...when he came to he was stood in a street soaked with blood, bodies and body parts scattered around the street...only one body remained intact which was that of his deceased sister... Kaizo had buried his sister up on a cliff that over looked the Soul Society, a spot the two had always dreamed of being able to go to. After this Kaizo wandered the Rukongai, regularly going back to the grave of his sister to pay his respects...yet it wasn't long before he was noticed, the now previous Captain of Squad 7 whilst out on his patrols noted Kaizo's exceptionally high Spiritual energy and managed to persuade Kaizo to put his power to good use and join the Gotei 13. Kaizo had been taken directly under the Squad 7 Captains wing and thus skipped the Academy as he was personally trained by him. As time went on Kaizo grew into a vicious warrior and showed his abilities when the Squad 7 Captain requested Kaizo be his replacement due to previous Squad 7 Captain wishing to retire as he felt it was best to step aside for someone who had more passion then he did. Kaizo was tested as per usual and surprised the people testing him and after sometime Kaizo passed his Captains test only to be instructed that he wear a Reitsu suppresser due to his abnormally high Spiritual energy. Kaizo now runs Squad 7 as it's Captain and is known to date as one of the most brutal Captains in the history of the Gotei 13... Upon attaining his Captain rank Kaizo returned to the 77th South District, he attempted to try find out if the family he was taken into as a child was still operating and not very surprisingly it was...the father all those years ago had managed to escape an enraged Kaizo and was continuing his bad habits. Kaizo showed up to this old house and swiftly tore through it, executing it's "exclusive members". Kaizo had ordered his Squad to take the children and find them a safer home in the districts closer to the Seireitei. Kaizo was left with one man...the father of this family...as of this moment it's unknown what became of this man but Kaizo's Squad members assume he is dead //-Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings-\\ Kiki Kaguza - Kaizo's deceased unofficial sister Akira Tosa - Kaizo's former Captain and teacher //-Other-\\ Kaizo has various tattoo's on his body, one in particular is the Squad 7 mark on his back to show his Captain status as he refuses to wear a Haori. Kaizo also wears an Eye patch the suppresses his very large Reiatsu, if he were to walk around his Squad members without they would likely fall unconscious and go through immense pain Kaizo has been noted to have a very high pain tolerance, it seems as if he no longer feels pain which could be seen as both a blessing and a downfall Kaizo is known to also dye his hair different colors [h2][b]~Zanpakuto~[/b][/h2] //-Zanpakuto name-\\ Kyotetsu //-Type-\\ Explosion & Light/Dark //-Zanpakuto Shikai Release command-\\ "Crush them into the dirt, Kyotetsu" //-Zanpakuto Bankai Release command-\\ "Bankai!! Saigo Kyotetsu!" //-Spirit Appearance-\\ [Hider=Spirit][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/168/4/1/cm__ousatsuhei_for_albinoeisbaer_by_reimeinoyoru-d69gjx2.png[/img][/hider] //-Inner world-\\ [Hider=Inner world][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/334/e/b/ebfceba53adca0db.jpg[/img][/hider] //-Sealed appearance-\\ (In appearance) //-Shikai appearance-\\ [hider=Shikai]x2 [img]http://www.wholesaleselfdefense.com/images/uploads/knuckle-knife-hk8936.jpg[/img][/hider] //-Bankai appearance-\\ [hider=Bankai]Does not have shields [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/192/4/0/kenta_bankai_redesign_wip_by_larizsantos-d6cyf15.jpg[/img][/hider] //-Shikai skills-\\ (Kaizo's skills become twice as strong once he releases his Reiatsu suppressor) 1 - Hundred bullet punch - Kaizo coats his fists in yellow explosive reiatsu then begins to punch rapidly at the enemy launching many black orbs that are inaccurate but when they make contact with something they explode dealing some rather severe damage in terms of burns and even cuts and so on. (3 post cool down) - Variation: Uses light instead of explosive reiatsu. This fires many orbs of light that travel far faster yet they do not explode on contact and will instead will severely cut whatever touches it (runs on the same cool down as it's parent skill) - Second Variation: Using Reiatsu or light Kaizo can coat his fists in either and use them continuously. So if coated in reiatsu everytime he hits something or someone it will cause an explosion sending the opponent flying and damaging them badly or if using light will outright cut them very badly (can last up to 3 posts then there is a cool down for however long it lasts. 1 post = 1 post cool down and so on) -3rd Variation: Using his light reiatsu Kaizo can extend his Shikai's blades so that they are longer, in doing so this allows him to use his Zanjutsu skills to greater effect. This light has immense cutting power (lasts up to 5 posts, 5 post cool down) 2 - Light before you - Kaizo will raise either hand to an oncoming attack as a sphere of light forms around him, the attack that hits this shield will likely pass over it, however even if it were to hit directly it will unlikely damage the light shield (4 post cool down) - Variation - Kaizo can make a similar form but with darkness, yet this form has a more offensive side to it as it can create spikes/shards of darkness that fire all around to ensure to any close enemies are dealt with or are pushed back (4 post cool down) 3 - ??? - Kaizo's Zanpakuto(s) will glow brightly as he then releases either an arc(s) of explosive reiatsu, light or darkness. If the explosive reiatsu is used then a large explosion will occur when it comes into contact with the enemy or something physical, or if triggered by Kaizo. If light then the enemy and everything in it's path will be cut as well as this arc moving much faster. Should Kaizo unlikely use pure darkness then the attack will travel at great speed as well as grow larger and severely burn the target upon contact (Cool down of 3 posts) 4 - Blow Back - Kaizo's body will gain a black Aura as his spiritual energy surrounds him, from there the Aura will continue to grow rapidly before exploding releasing a large shockwave. If an enemy was to be caught in this large explosion they will suffer severe burns as well as be thrown back violently, they may even experience bones breaking or internals being injured (6 post cool down) 5 - Light it up - The user when in trouble will use his mastery of Hoho and his special Light Spiritual energy to create a sudden clone of himself that will take an otherwise fatal attack, the clone will then explode violently engulfing the opponent and burning them severely (Cool down of 5 posts) 6 - Bathed in light/Darkness - Kaizo will form armor around his body that is made of either light or darkness (Light spiritual energy or Dark spiritual energy) This armor increases both his attack power as well as his defensive capabilities. In this form Kaizo's body effectively becomes a weapon as he is able to manipulate the light/dark on his body in many ways (Lasts up to 5 posts, cool down of 5 posts) 7 - Speed of light - Kaizo will point the tip of either of his Shikai's at the enemy as it lets of a little flash before firing an immensely fast beam of light that will easily punch a hole through an enemy. The devastating part of this Skill is that when the beam makes contact with an enemy it expands doing further damage (Cool down of 4 posts) 8 - Bullseye - Kaizo's Zanpakuto's will become coated in a black spiritual energy which will last up to 6 posts, Should Kaizo be able to land a solid and physical hit with both his Shikai on the opponent, a large bullseye will appear on the opponents chest as it then begins to glow before exploding violently, this skill will literally blow the opponent apart from the inside out ensuring they die (Lasts 6 posts, Cool down of 12 posts, only ever used on enemies) //-Bankai skill-\\ 1 - Kaizo's spiritual energy becomes condensed and this goes for his explosive power. This means that when he delivers a punch or a kick to someone it will feel like an explosion, the longer the body part his held there the more painful it feels (giggity) as it feels like tiny yet powerful explosions are going off, burning their skin and once Kaizo clears contact from them they will go flying at immense speed. This is a skill that is always active and cannot be turned on and off. 2 - To make up for his lack of a weapon in this form Kaizo will form one of explosive energy, light or darkness, this can take the form of nearly anything but most of the time it is a sword. Kaizo can fight with this for as long as he chooses as it has the durability to do so as it highly condensed explosive energy and spiritual energy (or light/darkness). (Explosive only) However if he chooses to make this to be thrown at the opponent immediately then the second it explodes the skill will suffer a cool down. Once the weapon has left Kaizo's hands the second it then makes contact with something will result in an immense explosion that will release an incredible shockwave that can even throw Kaizo off his feet if explodes to close. If Kaizo uses light then the cutting power of these weapons is drastically high, should Kaizo use darkness then the blade can be freely manipulated to create new openings (Duration up to 6 posts, after thrown has a 6 post cool down. This is Bankai, only ever used on enemies) 3 - TBR 4 - TBR 5 - TBR 6 - TBR //-Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills-\\ [h2][b]~Skills~[/b][/h2] //-Zanjutsu-\\ [Hider=Zanjutsu]Hozuri Shitonegaeshi Hozan Kenbu Ryodan Senmaioroshi Suikawari Agitowari Onibi Hitotsume: Nadegiri [/hider] //-Kido-\\ -Bakudo- [Hider=Bakudo] #1 Sai #4 Hainawa #8 Seki #9 Geki #9 Horin #11 Kyomon #12 Fushibi #20 Hakufuku #21 Sekienton #22 Inemuri #26 Kyokko #27 Tanma Otoshi #28 Shibireyubi #30 Shitotsu Sansen #37 Tsuriboshi #39 Enkosen #58 Kakushitsuijaku #61 Rikujokoro #62 Hyapporankan #63 Sajo Sabaku #65 El Escudo #73 Tozansho #75 Gochutekkan #76 Hako Okuri #77 Tenteikura #78 Hakudan Keppeki [/hider] -Hado- [hider=Hado]#1 Sho #4 Byakurai #11 Tsuzuri Raiden #31 Shakkaho #32 Okasen #33 Sokatsui #34 Kongobaku #40 Gaki Rekko #54 Haien #58 Tenran #63 Raikoho #73 Soren Sokatsui[/hider] //-Hakuda-\\ [Hider=Hakuda]Tessho Tsukiyubi Chohigezutsuki Kazaguruma Gatoringu Jidanda Sandobaggu Bito Kagamibiraki Oni Dekopin Ikkotsu Raioken Sokotsu[/hider] //-Hoho-\\ [hider=Hoho]Shunpo Senka Speed Clones Utsusemi [/hider] //-Total points gained-\\ //-Total Points Spent-\\ //-Mission log-\\ //-Points spent and skills gained-\\[/hider] [/center] [Center][h3][b][color=8dc73f]Squad 12 Characters[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [center] [Hider=Kazu Shinka] [h2][b][color=ed1c24]Kazu "Smiles" Shinka[/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/EHDqvhY.png[/img] //-Age-\\ Appears mid twenties //-Gender-\\ Male //-Height-\\ 6'0 //-Weight-\\ 69KG //-Hair Colour-\\ [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] //-Eye Colour-\\ ??? //-Birthday-\\ May 1st //-Clan/Family-\\ N/A //-Race-\\ Soul //-Profession-\\ Shinigami & Researcher //-Rank-\\ Lieutenant of Squad 12 & Vice President of the SRDI //-Power Level-\\ Lieutenant Power Level //-Spiritual Energy Colour-\\ See through Red //-Personality-\\ Kazu is a curious being, he enjoys watching people and studying daily life, however this is only because he enjoys learning and learning is what he does best! He's seemingly always upbeat and almost never serious yet that's just what his attitude would suggest, in truth even if he is playing about he is likely being serious with things...however he has been known to act childish and often create seemingly useless inventions but he finds making something silly helps his brain work better on more serious projects. Whilst Kazu is a great Researcher and Scientist he is just as good in combat and has perfected his Hakuda and Kido whilst keeping his other skills up to a decent par, Skills aside Kazu uses various things in his battles and has been known to use some truly terrifying inventions, one of his scariest to date are his Grenades that all seemingly do different things. One thing is for certain...stay on this guys smile side...you don't want to see Kazu frown...well...if you could you wouldn't want to. //-History-\\ As far as Soul Society records go Kazu was taken in as a young child and has spent his life in pursuit of something new and exciting, this was what lead to him joining Squad 12 and since a young child he has been apart of the Squad 12 life, climbing the ranks to become one of it's greater members. However rank never meant anything to him, in fact he only wanted to be a higher rank to gain higher privileges and work alongside his idol. Since becoming a Lieutenant he has been noticeably much happier and it seems as if he couldn't get much happier due to being able to work alongside the Captain on almost every project, each one challenging him both mentally and physically! //-Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings-\\ TBR //-Other-\\ Kazu is [u][b]ALWAYS[/b][/u] Seen wearing his mask and unique outfit that sports the Squad 12 logo on it's back. He proudly displays his Squads number however this sometimes leads to him being called Captain every now and then, which he does find somewhat amusing. Kazu also has various inventions that really cannot be listed due to the sheer amount of them but the main one in his arsenal at the moment are his: SUPER SPECIAL SMILES ALL ROUND GRENADAS! [h2][b]~Zanpakuto~[/b][/h2] //-Zanpakuto name-\\ Shinkuchi //-Type-\\ Kido & Space //-Zanpakuto Shikai Release command-\\ "Boom, Boom, Boom! Shinkuchi!" //-Zanpakuto Bankai Release command-\\ N/A //-Spirit Appearance-\\ Shinkuchi appears as a man in his mid thirties with some form of stubble, he has long black hair as well as having his eyes covered by a blindfold. Shinkuchi also wears a long red cloak that covers most of his body. //-Inner world-\\ Kazu's inner world appears as many floating boulders in a red sky with a single large red moon high in the sky. //-Sealed appearance-\\ (In appearance) //-Shikai appearance-\\ [Hider=shikai]Kazu's Shikai also retains it's sealed form Can have x2 [img]http://i.imgur.com/Oho8ZRc.png[/img][/hider] //-Bankai appearance-\\ N/A //-Shikai skills-\\ 1 - Kazu fires a special kind of bullet from one of his guns, this bullet moves at a blinding speed. However the purpose of this bullet is not to cause harm, it is used to cover a large distance quickly. During some point during the bullets flight Kazu can teleport to it, this skill has a truly great use in battle as it allows him to surprise his opponents. (Cool down of 4 posts) 2 - Kazu will usually do this with both guns however he has been known to do it with one. Kazu will point his gun(s) at the opponent as the end of the barrel glows red before pulling the trigger(s) which releases hundreds to thousands of bullets very rapidly, however the bullets are far from accurate and rely more on their sheer number to overwhelm their opponent as opposed to their accuracy. (Cool down of 4 posts) 3 - Kazu can do this with both guns for a greater effect but usually does this with only one. Kazu will point his gun(s) at the opponent as a small red orb forms at the end of the barrel. Kazu will then pull the trigger which releases a large beam of red energy, similar in form and power to that of a Cero (Cool down of 3 posts) 4 - Kazu's Shikai due to it being a kido type allows him to fire ordinary Kido from his guns. Due to certain Kido having their incantations programmed into the weapons themselves they can always fire at full power which is really the only real advantage of this skill 5 - Kazu has a rather unique ability with his gun that allows him to fire a "tracer shot" this bullet will fire as normal yet if it makes contact with the opponent it will not cause any damage at all, instead it acts as a beacon that attracts all bullets fired after it trace the target which will be truly dangerous when used with Kazu's 2nd Skill (Cooldown of 6 posts. Tracer shot lasts two posts) 6 - Kazu can form a large Shield of see-through red kido infront of him using either his guns, Sword or even his hands. This shield is capable taking some serious damage, even from physical attacks (Cool down of 5 posts) 7 - Kazu will fire a special bullet an oncoming Kido or spiritual energy based attack, this will absorb the attack which Kazu will then fire from the same or other gun back at the opponent (Cool down of 6 posts) 8 - Kazu's last skill can only be done with his Shikai's sword. Kazu's sword will glow bright red as he then stabs it into the ground releasing a large pulse of red energy that will form a large dome of red spiritual energy around both Kazu and his opponent should they become trapped in the dome. Within this area Kazu can control the space freely and do almost limitless things however the effects rarely last that long due to the amount of spiritual energy needed perform this skill and others within it. (Lasts up to 3 posts and can be used a maximum of 3 times during a fight before Kazu runs almost entirely out of Spiritual energy. This skill has a 12 post cool down) //-Bankai skill-\\ [color=ed1c24](Not yet Achieved)[/color] 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - //-Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills-\\ POTATO! [h2][b]~Skills~[/b][/h2] //-Zanjutsu-\\ [Hider=Zanjutsu]Hozuri Shitonegaeshi Hozan Kenbu Ryodan Senmaioroshi Suikawari[/hider] //-Kido-\\ -Bakudo- [Hider=Bakudo] #1 Sai #4 Hainawa #8 Seki #9 Geki #9 Horin #11 Kyomon #12 Fushibi #20 Hakufuku #21 Sekienton #22 Inemuri #26 Kyokko #27 Tanma Otoshi #28 Shibireyubi #30 Shitotsu Sansen #37 Tsuriboshi #39 Enkosen #58 Kakushitsuijaku #61 Rikujokoro #62 Hyapporankan #63 Sajo Sabaku #65 El Escudo #73 Tozansho #75 Gochutekkan #76 Hako Okuri #77 Tenteikura #78 Hakudan Keppeki #81 Danku - Captain level #83 Standing Ovation #84 Millon Escudo #96 Kyujurokkei Kakafumetsu #97 Fusatsu Kakei #98 Shiso Kekkai #99 Pt.1 Kin #99 Pt.2 Bankin [/hider] -Hado- [hider=Hado]#1 Sho #4 Byakurai #11 Tsuzuri Raiden #31 Shakkaho #32 Okasen #33 Sokatsui #34 Kongobaku #40 Gaki Rekko #54 Haien #58 Tenran #63 Raikoho #73 Soren Sokatsui #88 Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho #90 Kurohitsugi #91 Senju Koten Taiho #92 Hyoga Seiran[/hider] //-Seals, Barriers, Uncategorised and Kaido-\\ [Hider=Seals]Goyogai Sentan Hakuja Noren Mekuri[/hider] //-Hakuda-\\ [Hider=Hakuda]Tessho Super Harisen Slipper Tsukiyubi Chohigezutsuki Kazaguruma Panchira Torunedo Gatoringu Jidanda Sandobaggu Bito Kagamibiraki Oni Dekopin Ikkotsu Raioken Sokotsu Shunko[/hider] //-Hoho-\\ [hider=Hoho]Shunpo[/hider] //-Total points gained-\\ //-Total Points Spent-\\ //-Mission log-\\ //-Points spent and skills gained-\\[/hider] [/center]